Foundry Corporate News Topic Discharging, Decoring, Fettling, Finishing

Deburring and post-treatment of cast parts

Here, the finishing in the cast production begins - a video series with Trebi's Holger Diefenbach

Reading time: min

The casting was good and now the annoying part begins: deburring, separating sprues, milling, filing, drilling, sawing or thread cutting.

In many iron and non-ferrous foundries this is part of everyday life and entrepreneurs are asking themselves whether to provide personnel and process them manually or automate them.

This entrepreneurial question depends not least on the number of pieces and on the clamping and the time of the process interruptions. There are a number of offers and calculations for post-processing.

In the first part of his new video series, Holger Diefenbach, the managing director of TREBI Deutschland GmbH, takes you into the world of cast part post-processing.

Take three minutes and follow Holger Diefenbach in German or English:

Company Info

TREBI Srl Unipersonale

Via Industriale, 15
25060 Cellatica

Telephone: +39 (0)30 3732317
