

Specialised foundry for cast iron castings


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Interpump Group announces the acquisition of 85% of Indoshell Automotive System India P.L. share capital.

The Company belongs to Indoshell Mould Limited, an Indian Group specialised in ferrous and non-ferrous (cast iron and aluminium) moulding and casting activities. It is estimated that the Company, in 2023, would achieve a production of approximately 8,000 tons, resulting in an estimated turnover of 12 million Euro and approximately 2 million Euro of EBITDA. Value of the operation was fixed in approximately 8 million Euro12 and “put and call” mechanisms - with an already defined price - were undertaken to allow Interpump Group - starting from April 2027 - to buy the remaining 15%.

Mr. Montipò, Chairman of Interpump Group: “Risk management is a fundamental Group management principle. Through this acquisition, the Group enhances its autonomy and sourcing capacity for casting, fundamental in the “valve” sector and important for many other operating sectors of the Group. An operation, this, strategically much more important than its economic figure.”


Source: Interpump Group
