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Lightweight design of GF Automotive impresses at the IMA Awards 2014

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GF Automotive wins the design award of the International Magnesium Association second year in a row in the category “Casting Design”. Winner is the oil conduit module produced in magnesium high-pressure die-casting for the Porsche Panamera. The oil conduit module is casted at GF Automotive in Altenmarkt (Austria).

The International Magnesium Association (IMA) with its headquarter in Wauconda, Illinois, USA, awards the Lightweight Award already for the ninth time. GF Automotive wins with the design of the oil conduct module for the Porsche Panamera. The price was awarded at the June 3rd, 2014 during the Annual International Magnesium Conference, which took place in Munich this year.

This part in magnesium high-pressure die-casting is an oil conduct module with creep resistant magnesium alloy. All oil conducts are directly molded and the part is machined and assembled and delivered to the customer. With the holistic approach of design, process and material the oil conduct module is about 1 kg lighter than the version in aluminum.
