Foundry Corporate News Topic Testing, measuring & Quality Control

New Industrial 3D Scanner with 16 Million Pixels

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GOM has extended its series of industrial 3D scanners with the model ATOS Triple Scan 16M. The new 3D digitizer captures two times 16 million measuring points per scan and is suitable for quality control of medium-sized components with high-resolution requirements. Applications include measuring and inspection of complex cast parts like turbine blades, where fine leading and trailing edges play an important role.

Fringe projection scanners of the ATOS Triple Scan series perform full-field and non-contact part measurements. Besides the 16M, the industrial 3D scanner is available in two more versions with a resolution of 5 and 8 million pixels. Different measurement volumes can be achieved with preadjusted optics. For automated quality control, the scanners are used in the standardized 3D measuring machine ATOS ScanBox. In these measurement cells, all measurement and inspection processes up to the inspection reports are executed automatically. This enables unmanned quality control in production environments.

<link file:7550 _blank download file> CD-Order-Form.pdf

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38122 Braunschweig

Telephone: +49 531 390290
