Foundry Corporate News Topic Consultans

RölfsPartner becomes Baker Tilly Roelfs

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New branding identifies consulting company as a member of the Baker Tilly International global network of independent accounting, auditing and consulting companies

From now on, RölfsPartner will be known under its new name of Baker Tilly Roelfs. The consulting company will remain wholly owned by its equity partners who, with this step, are underscoring their independent membership of one of the world's top ten networks of consultancies, accountants and auditors: Baker Tilly International. At the same time, Baker Tilly Roelfs is meeting the steadily growing demand for international consulting expertise, but without in any way neglecting the attributes that have helped build the reputation of the longestablished firm of RölfsPartner: an entrepreneurial consulting philosophy, high standards of quality, and the close interdisciplinary collaboration of its accountants, auditors, lawyers, tax advisers and management consultants. The new company branding has already been implemented in the internet at Since 2005 Baker Tilly Roelfs has been an independent member of Baker Tilly International, a network which comprises 156 members companies in 131 countries and which posted total sales revenues of $3.3 billion last year.

As Ralf Gröning, spokesperson for the two-strong Management Board of Baker Tilly Roelfs and a member of the European Board of Baker Tilly International, explains: "For many years now, we have been benefiting from our membership in the Baker Tilly International network, since the number of our clients with an international focus has been increasing continually in all sectors. Thus, it was a logical step to clearly confirm our membership in such a powerful mglobal alliance with this new branding and to demonstrate our support for our clients as they expand into global markets. However, this internationalization of our brand certainly doesn't mean that we will be forgetting our roots or neglecting what has made us one of Germany's foremost partner-managed consulting companies."

Wolfgang Richter, likewise a member of the Baker Tilly Roelfs Management Board, adds: "We are firmly convinced that the combination of quality, interdisciplinary structure and international character, based on an entrepreneurial consulting philosophy, holds the key to enduringly successful client relations. Accordingly, these different elements are also integral parts of our corporate strategy and our new brand."

The Baker Tilly network is to be used even more systematically in the future and there is also to be a more powerful focus on the lead partner principle: a project will be controlled by the partner in Germany who is responsible for it, then it will be coordinated locally with the consultants in different countries. Gröning explains: "In this way, we will be providing our clients with even more effective international support, giving them access to teams of top international consultants without having to do without project control which is personal, efficient and, if so requested, in German and also customer centric." Baker Tilly Roelfs aims to present this approach in the course of a series of events about the globalization strategies of SMEs entitled "Greener Grass. Prospects for Internationalization". These events will take place throughout Germany in October and November this year.

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