
India - In memory of Mr. M R Shah Foundry magazine

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With sadness and sympathy we learned of the death of our esteemed colleague and friend Sri M R Shah.

We bow with great respect to an internationally recognized specialist. With his special interest magazine FOUNDRY INDUSTRY he has significantly accompanied, promoted and supported the rise and the technological development of the foundry industry in India. Through the years I was able to get know him myself in many personal encounters at the major congresses as a serious, fair and highly intelligent conversation partner and I am grateful for that.

We will keep him a dignified memory.

Rest In Peace Mr. M R Shah
In sorrow and with respect

Thomas Fritsch
Editor-in-Chief on behalf of the Foundry-Planet Team

About FOUNDRY magazine:

This magazine is serving the Indian foundry industry (including diecasting) since 1988 regularly once every two month.

Publisher/Editor: (Mahendra R. Shah) was a qualified foundryman with long and rich experience in ferrous and non-ferrous foundries. He was an alumnus of The M. S. University of Baroda (B.E.- Mech., 1966), and The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (M. E. in Foundry Science & Engineering, 1968). He had rich experience in teaching (at The M. S. University of Baroda) and industry (Jyoti Ltd., Vadodara; L & T Ltd., Powai, Mumbai; and Bhagwati Spherocast Group, Ahmedabad).
