
63rd IFC Portoroz: Here is the current lecture program

The annual foundrymen's conference in picturesque surroundings and high professional competence

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Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

As every year in the second week of September, the President of the Slovenian Foundrymen Society Msci Dipl.Ing. Mirjam Jan-Blazic and her team invite you to the International Foundry Conference in Portoroz

This time, the 63rd IFC will take place on 14 and 15 September 2023. The opening reception will be held the evening before on 13 September 2023 at the Georgios Cultural Centre in Piran.

The IFC in Portoroz has a firm place in the series of top-class events, which is due on the one hand to the outstanding commitment and hospitality of the organizers and on the other hand to the always excellent list of speakers with interesting lectures. In addition, the participants can expect a wide range of products and services from about 40 exhibiting companies and, of course, the pleasant social program in picturesque Portoroz.

The event is also supported this year by the scientific committee of leading universities for foundry and metallurgy.

Let's look forward together to interesting days in Portoroz and take the chance to meet experts from all over Europe.

Here you can find the current program for the 63rd IFC Portoroz:

PROGRAM - 63. IFC Portorož 2023

16.30–19.30               Registration of participants at the Conference reception desk / Prijava udeležencev na recepciji konference

17.30                          Bus transfer from Hotel Slovenia to Piran / Avtobusni prevoz od Hotela Slovenije do Pirana

18.00                          Reception in the garden of the Cultural Center Georgios – in the church of St. Jurij – With a greeting from the representative of the County of the Municipality of Piran / Sprejem na vrtu Kulturnega centra                                         Georgios pri cerkvi sv. Jurija s pozdravnim nagovorom predstavnika županstva Občine Piran

Thursday / Četrtek, 14. 09. 2023 

7.30–further / dalje   Registration of participants at the Conference reception desk
Plenary lectures


9.30–9.45                    MIRJAM JAN–BLAŽIĆ,

                                   President / Predsednica Slovenian Foundrymen Society

                                   The Opening Address/ Uvodni nagovor

9.45–10.15                 „ M. BOSSE, BDG-Service GmbH (DE): Decarbonisation Paths for the Foundry Industry / Razogličevalne poti v livarstvu

10.15–10.45                „ D. HOWE, G. GEIER, Siempelkamp Giesserei GmbH (DE): Transformation in the Iron Foundry in Europe: Keys for Technical and Economic Success / Prilagoditve v evropskih livarnah sive litine: ključ do tehnološkega in ekonomskega uspeha

10.45–11.15               „ P. MRVAR1, M. PETRIČ1, S. KASTELIC2, A. KRIŽMAN3, HEINZ PALKOWSKI4, 1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of University of Ljubljana, 2TC Livarstvo d.o.o., 3University of Maribor, (SI), 4TU Clausthal (DE): Manufacturing and Characterization of Composed Foam Castings from Biodegradable Zn-Mg Alloy and Salt / Izdelava in karakterizacija sestavljenih ulitih pen iz bio-razgradljive zlitine Zn-Mg ter soli

11.15–11.45                                                  Break / Odmor

11.45–12.25               „ K. WEISS, C. BAITIANG, RWP GmbH (DE): Digitization as the Basis for Proactive Foundry Management / Digitalizacija kot osnova za proaktivno upravljanje livarn

12.25–12.45               „ P. HOFER-HAUSER, R. GSCHWANDTNER, Austrian Foundry Research Institute (AT): Thermal Shock Resistance of Conformally Cooled Core Pins for Die Casting Applications / Odpornost na termične šoke komfortno hlajenih vložkov v aplikacijah tlačnega litja

12.45–13.15                „ M. FIROOZBAKHT, A. BÜHRIG-POLACZEK, RWTH Aachen University (DE): Proactive, Innovative and Flexible Foundry Institute – Investment Casting Research Group / Proaktiven, inovativen in prilagodljiv inštitut za livarstvo – Skupina za raziskavo precizijskega litja

13.15–15.15                                                  Lunch Break / Kosilo

15.15–15.45                „ J. MEDVED1, M. VONČINA1, T. BALAŠKO1, V. NAHTIGAL2, 1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of University of Ljubljana, 2Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, (SI): The Importance of Critical Raw Materials for the Sustainable Development of Metallurgical Companies / Pomen kritičnih surovin za trajnostni razvoj metalurških podjetij

15.45–16.15               „ A. NOFAL, Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI) (EG): Fifty Years of Cast Iron Research at CMRDI / Petdeset let raziskav sive litine na CMRDI

16.15–16.30                                                   Break / Odmor

16.3017.00                „ T. KAUFMANN, D. HARTMANN, Kempten University of Applied Sciences IPI – Institute for Production and Information Technology (TTZ Sonthofen) (DE): Applied Machine Learning and Optimisation in Steel Melting / Uporaba strojnega učenja in optimizacija pri taljenju jekla

17.00–17.30               „ Z. Zovko Brodarac1, F. Kozina1, J. Medved2, J. Burja3, 1University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy (CRO), 2Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of University of Ljubljana (SI), 3Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Investigation of Recycled AlSi9Cu3(Fe) Alloy / Preiskava reciklirane zlitine AlSi9Cu3(Fe)

Thursday Evening

19.30                           Foundrymen night on the coastline / Livarska noč na obali

Friday / Petek, 15. 09. 2023

SECTION / SEKCIJA A: Cast Iron, Foundry Techniques and Technology

9.00–9.20                   M. PESCI, HA ITALIA S.p.A. (IT):  New Chemex Insert Sleeves for The Reduction of Feeding Volume / Novi vložki Chemex za zmanjšanje volumna napajanja

9.20–9.40                   A. HARBORTH, V. AFANASEV, Volume Graphics GmbH (DE): Industrial CT: Quality Control and Process Optimization in the Casting Process With the Help of Non-Destructive Examinations (NDE) / Industrijski CT: Kontrola kakovosti in optimizacija procesa v livarstvu s pomočjo neporušnih preiskav                          

9.40–10.00                 D. MOLNAR, University of Miskolc (HU): Development of a Duplex Casting Method / Razvoj metode dupleksnega litja

10.00–10.15                                                   Break / Odmor         

10.15–10.35               C. ABT, F. WOHLGEMUTH, HEITEC PTS GmbH (DE): Fast and Flexible Inline X-Ray Testing in Foundries Using Modular Concepts / Hitro in fleksibilno rentgensko testiranje v livarnah z uporabo modularnega koncepta

10.35–10.55               K.VAN NIEKERK1,2, 1Lauds Foundry Equipment Gmbh (DE), Siapro  

d.o.o. (SI): Cold Box Core Machines / Stroji za cold box jedra

10.55–11.15                E. OFFENBACHER, LHS Clean Air Systems (AT): Green Foundry – Advanced Dedusting With Combined Heat Recovery / Napredno razpraševanje kombinirano z regeneracije toplote

11.15–11.30                                                  Break / Odmor                           

11.30–11.50                I. ADHIWIGUNA, R. DEIKE, Universität Duisburg Essen (DE): Reassessing the Role of Magnesium: In Search to a Sustainable Alternative in Cast Iron Production / Ponovna ocena vloge magnezija: V iskanju ustrezne trajne alternative v proizvodnji sive litine

11.50–12.10                A. MAJUMDAR, C. PALANISAMI, A. BÜHRIG-POLACZEK, Giesserei Institute, RWTH Aachen (DE): Correlation of Microstructural Analysis of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Grades by Varying the Silicon Content / Povezovanje mikrostrukturnih analiz nodularne sive litine s spreminjanjem deleža silicija

12.10-12.30                Luka Krajnc1, Marko Bojinović1, Grega Klančnik1, Andrej Resnik2, 1Pro Labor d.o.o., 2OMCO Metals Slovenia d.o.o., (SI): Case Study of Digital and Circular Transformation Interaction in Foundries / Študija primera integracije digitalnega in krožnega prehoda v livarnah

12.30-12.45                                                    Break/Odmor

12.45–13.05                L. LAZIC, M. POKRIVAC, I. JANDRLIC, Faculty of Metallurgy of University of Zagreb (CRO): Technological and Structural Calculation of the Recuperator for Air Preheating on the Cupola Furnace / Tehnološka in strukturna kalkulacija rekuperatorja za segrevanje zraka pri kupolni peči

13.05-13.25                J.TROJAN, Norican Czech s.r.o.(CZ): DISA – sustainable green sand moulding/ trajnostno formanje bentonitnih peščenih mešanic

13.30   Conclusion of the Conference With Lunch / Zaključek konference s kosilom

 Friday / Petek, 15. 09. 2023

SECTION / SEKCIJA C: Fernand  de Magellan Young Lecturers and Researchers / Mladi predavatelji in raziskovalci

10.00 – 10.20             T. ŠVARC1, Ž. JELEN1, P. MAJERIČ1,2, M. ZADRAVEC1, T. GOMBOC1, R. RUDOLF1,2, 1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Maribor, 2Zlatarna Celje d.o.o., (SI): Recycling of Rapid Antigen Tests: Extraction of Nanogold / Recikliranje hitrih antigenskih testov: ekstrakcija nanozlata

10.20 – 10.40             G. GYARMATI, T. MENDE, University of Miskolc (HU): The Interactions of Grain Refiner Particles and Double Oxide Films in Liquid Aluminum Alloys / Interakcija udrobnilnih sredstev in dvojnih oksidnih plasti v aluminijevi talini

10.40 – 11.00             L. MRKOBRADA, I. JANDRLIĆ, F. KOZINA, T. BRLIĆ, Faculty of Metallurgy of University of Zagreb (CRO): Plastic Instabilities During Processing of AlMg Alloy / Plastične nestabilnosti pri procesiranju zlitine AlMg

13.30                           Conclusion of the Conference With Lunch / Zaključek konference s kosilom

Poster Presentations / Plakatne predstavitve

1. T. BALAŠKO, M. VONČINA, J. MEDVED, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of University of Ljubljana (SI): The Effect of Lanthanum Addition on the Solidification of EN AW-7175 Alloy / Vpliv dodatka lantana na strjevanje zlitine EN AW-7175

2. M. VONČINA1, A. PAVŠIČ1, I. PAULIN2, J. MEDVED1, M. PETRIČ1, 1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of University of Ljubljana, 2Institute of Metals and Technology, (SI): Assessing the Quality of Grain Refiners / Ocena kakovosti udrobnilnih sredstev

3. I.VASKOVÁ1, P. DELIMANOVÁ1, M. HRUBOVČÁKOVÁ1, L. JANKOVČIN2, 1Technical University of Kosice, 2Handtmann Slovakia, (SK): Some Knowledge of the Development and Use of Molding and Core Mixtures in Foundry Industry / Ugotovitve iz razvoja uporabe peščenih mešanic za forme in jedra v livarski industriji

4. Ł. SZYMAŃSKI1, A. BIGOS2, M. PIESZCZEK1,3, K. ŻAK1, F. WOŹNIAK1, N. SOBCZAK2, J. SOBCZAK1, S. SOBULA1, E. OLEJNIK1,3, P. KURTYKA3, 1AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, 2Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Cracow, 3Innerco sp. z o.o., Cracow, (PL): Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Wear Performance of Composite Casting Reinforced by Oxide Ceramic / Mikrostrukture, mehanske lastnosti in obrabna obstojnost kompozitnih ulitkov ojačanih z oksidno keramiko

5. Ł. SZYMAŃSKI1, J. SOBCZAK1, N. SOBCZAK2, A. BIGOS2, T. TOKARSKI4, W. MAZIARZ2, E. OLEJNIK1,3, R. CHULIST2, K. ŻAK1, G. BRUZDA5, 1AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, 2Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 3AGH University of Science, Academic Centre of Materials and Nanotechnology, 4INNERCO sp. z o. o., 5Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology, (PL): Meaning of the High-Temperature Wettability in the Aspect of Manufacturing Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced by Ceramic Phases / Pomen visoko temperaturne omočljivosti z vidika izdelave kompozita s kovinsko osnovo ojačanega s keramičnimi fazami


Company Info

Slovenian Foundrymen`s Society

Lepi pot 6, p.p. 424
1001 Ljubljana

Telephone: +386 1 252 24 88
