
GER – Hapag Lloyd renews ship propellers on a grand scale

The Hamburg shipping company Hapag Lloyd is investing millions in the technical modernisation of its existing fleet over the next few years - and the ship propeller manufacturer Mecklenburger Metallguss Waren GmbH (MMG) is benefiting from this.

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More than 100 propellers are to be replaced by 2026. "The propellers will be ordered from MMG as part of our Fleet Upgrade Programme following a successful design study," a Hapag Lloyd spokesperson told Deutsche Presse-Agentur when asked. "The current plan is to replace up to 111 propellers by the end of 2026." Regional media had previously reported.

Hapag Lloyd plans to modernise a total of more than 150 ships with more than 450 individual measures as part of its modernisation programme, which has been running since 2022. "The main aim here is to reduce fuel consumption and thus emissions," explained the spokesperson. He put the investments at more than 750 million US dollars. This corresponds to more than 700 million euros.

The spokesman was unable to quantify how much CO2 would ultimately be saved with the measures. This varies from ship to ship and depending on the deployment, he said. "For the propeller refits carried out so far, we see fuel savings of around seven per cent on average in real operation." With an average daily consumption of around 100 tonnes, this corresponds to a CO2 saving of just under 22 tonnes. "If we continue to assume around 270 days at sea per year, this results in around 5900 tonnes less CO2 emissions per year and ship."

MMG is recognised as the global market leader for propellers for large container ships. According to the company, it employs 210 people.

