Indometal 2013 Fairs and Congresses

AMAFOND – The Italian Association of the Foundry Suplliers

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Founded in 1946, AMAFOND is the Italian Association of the foundry suppliers. It encloses leading manufacturers of industrial furnaces, green sand and no-bake plants, core shooters, gravity and low pressure plants, die casting machineries, mould and cores and products for the ferrous and non-ferrous foundry industries. AMAFOND currently represents about 90 manufactures responsible for the majority of the Italian output in this sector sold worldwide.

The Southeast Asian Region is attracting AMAFOND's companies as they begin to see Indonesia as a new country for the future of the foundry sector.

Visit us at the Indometal in Jakarta, Stand L 13
We are looking forward to meet you there!

For more information about Amafond:
<link file:7562 download file>Initiates file downloadPresentazione AMAFOND (PDF)
