Foundry Corporate News Topic Discharging, Decoring, Fettling, Finishing

IKK SHOT celebrates its 25th anniversary and renames itself WINOA IKK JAPAN.

Pressemitteilung | Lesedauer: min | Bildquelle: Winoa

On this first of October 2022, IKK SHOT CO., LTD, a division of Winoa, is pleased to celebrate 2 very important events.

First, IKK SHOT, a spun off from ITOH KIKOH, celebrate its 25th anniversary. Established in October 1997, servicing over 1,000 customers over the years, that has produced more than 700K tons of steel media, and with its unique service team and products such as UFS (Ultra fine shot), Dummy Balls (conductive media for electroplating), Steel Abrasives, Recycling Services and a well-established premium media brand IKK SHOT™ , IKK SHOT has become the leader in the Asian market for peening, cleaning and surface preparation applications.

Moreover, proud to be part of the Winoa group for 25 years (formerly Wheelabrator Abrasives), IKK SHOT takes the initiative to fully align with the group values, culture, and objectives by rebranding the company in the name of “WINOA IKK JAPAN Co.,LTD.”.

WINOA IKK JAPAN will continue to produce and promote the IKK SHOT™ brand while offering W Abrasives™ products, the newly service brand W Care and the parts and equipment under W Tech.

Visit our website at and for more details and to view the full range of products and services.



528 Avenue de Savoie
BP3 - 3857 Le Cheylas

Telefon: +33 4 76 92 92 20
