Foundry Corporate News Topic Pressure Die Casting

CELIKEL and COLOSIO, a collaboration in the name of GREEN

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The Company Celikel, one of the most famous aluminium diecasting foundry in all of Turkey, started his business back in 1968. The mastery of technique and the tenacity of the family that has always led the Company, allowed the organization to reach levels of excellence.

Celikel is particularly known as a supplier of the automotive industry and its production capacity covers all phases of the process, from design to die making, casting, machining and surface finishes to provide Customers a high quality service in all the aspects of the production.

It is equipped with most advanced instruments for inspection and analysis of the castings. Their quality management system is certified according to international standards and specifically for the requirements of the automotive industry. Currently their machines park includes more than 20 working cells of various tonnage.

At the end of 2012 the company moved from the historical site of Samandira into high technology new factory in the industrial area TOSB Organize Sanayi Bolgesi in Kocaeli.

Built on an area of 24000m2 the new plant is realized accordingly to the most modern technologies Celikel is the first diecasting company in Europe and second diecasting company in the world which has been awarded for LEED Silver certification specific for those using energy in the most efficient way by US. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy Environmental Design.

The company Colosio produces diecasting machines and accessories since 1971. Based in Brescia, Italy, the Colosio Srl has become over the years one of the leaders in this field. The company has always focused on the production of technologically advanced machines with solid and modern design, supported by an after sales service especially quick and efficient.

The close collaboration between Celikel and Colosio begins in the early 2000s with the purchase of automatic ladles and automatic sprayers, essential to increase the productivity and the quality of the castings with the diecasting machines available at the time. In the year 2004, the installation of the first new diecasting machine model Colosio PFO 750 tons gave even more productivity and reliability at a foundry already at an excellent level. Over the years the new Colosio diecasting machines have become five of various tonnages from 750 to 1000 tons and in this 2013  Celikel decided to embrace the philosophy of "green" by buying the latest model of Colosio machines model GREEN LINE, reducing energy consumption with an innovative motor-pump group consisting of a variable speed synchronous motor, controlled by a driver, and an internal gear pump with constant displacement.

This model of machines allows energy savings of up to 80% and makes the working cycle even faster.

By removing the proportional valves on the closing unit and controlling the oil flow with the servo-motor, the machine is controlled in real time.

Both as regards the position and speed of opening and closing (thanks to the Green Line) and the adjustment of the injection (thanks to the system Colosio REAL TIME), the machine is fully controlled in closed loop.

Noise reduction, reduction of the energy needed to cool the hydraulic fluid and simplification of the hydraulic circuit are other important advantages offered by the new GREEN LINE technology.

The following are some exchanges of views with the Vice President of the company Celikel, Mr. Deniz Oguzhan:

What does it mean for you to support the ecology in a sector such as the high pressure aluminium foundry?

  • In general high pressure diecasting includes several different inputs and outputs which can have various negative effects to the enviroment. Since we carry the social responsibility, we have to take care about posterity. One of the best ways to realize this idea is to consider  the ecology as a heritage and keep it for the next generations. To support the ecology in a proper way, also includes to decrease the consumption of the energy in whole process while, using biodegradable lubricants and chemicals. Each diecasting machine in Celikel have its own individual hood covers that collects the oil and fume during casting operation. It is 99,9% filtered by electrostatic filters. The related filters is then cleaned in ultrasonic washing machine. The waste water is treated in chemical waste treatment plant. Regarding the Tower Melters, we have also dust collection systems that prevents the contamination in the melting zone. Also the air inside the foundry is refreshed 4,74 times/hour. Meanwhile, the contaminated il with water that is originated from diecasting process is transferred to the oil separator and send it to recycling companies afterwards.

Innovation and quality have always distinguished Celikel. What are your future plans?

  • The lifetime of  hydraulic oils  which are used in the diecasting machines have been increased up to minimum two times by making continuous filtration systems. We plan to realize start-stop operations in our trimming presses which will save energy around 70% additionally. We will continue on investing for the further technological equipments which have low energy consumption during operation and environmental friendly like GREEN LINE.

What were the objectives of such an important step in the direction of energy saving?

  • Here are some highlights of the applications that we have practice in our plant;
  • We have already implemented economizers and absorption chillers in our systems in order to recover the heat through the consumption gases that is originated from the tower melters. Our aim is to heat up and cool down all the plant / offices and tap water with this operation by saving 43% energy.
  • The recycling process for blow off water from the Evaporative Cooler
  • Using Efficient HVAC systems
  • Tracking the energy consumption by measurement and verification techniques.
  • The construction of the plant is realized by local and recycled materials.
  • Recycling by Constructional Waste Disposal Management 
  • Usage of materials with low emmissions.

Have you got everything you were looking for? Something has gone even better?

  • We believe that  the results  we get until now matches with our targets by considering the ecological and economical balance. Nevertheless, we always keep sustainable devolopments as a company strategy.

In an increasingly competitive market where the focus on the right balance between quality and price becomes more and more pressing, the long-term collaboration between Celikel and Colosio is an example of how two companies with similar visions can succeed together with a clear and honest relationship of customer / supplier, to grow in the years to constantly improve.
