Topic Sand & Binders Foundry Corporate News Topic Coremaking Topic Hand-mould casting

Fata Aluminum Sand Regeneration Plants

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Fata Aluminum recently supplied Montupet with two thermal sand regeneration plants.

Production was launched with a first plant at the beginning of 2012, at the Laigneville foundry in France, to regenerate the facility's entire sand requirements. The plant, which regenerates sand from the Cold Box process, has a maximum capacity of 5 t/h. It was designed to operate at two production rates of 3 or 5 t/h, based on the amount of sand contained in the silos of the production circuit, in order to minimise the number of times the plant starts/stops.

Production was launched with a second plant in February 2013, at the Russe foundry in Bulgaria. The plant is installed in addition to an existing 5 t/h Fata Aluminum plant, from 2008, and covers the foundry's increased sand requirements, more than doubling its production capacities.  The plant, which regenerates sand from the Cold Box process, has a maximum capacity of 7 t/h. It was designed to operate at two production rates of 3 or 7 t/h, based on the amount of sand contained in the silos of the production circuit, in order to minimise the number of times the plant starts/stops.

An innovative characteristic of this plant consists in running a final conditioning cycle on the regenerated sand, through a final dedusting and cooling station, in each core shop, based on the amount of sand required by each core shooter. 

This final conditioning plant operates on the fluid bed principle.
