Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

56. International Foundry Conference – Portoroz 2016

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Castings as Products with a Future

The annual foundry conference of Portoroz in Slovenia has become a traditional and serious meeting point for experts and professionals for exchange of information and experiences at the interface between the

European countries in the middle of Europe and the South-East. The Slovenian hosts, at the head the president of the Slovenian Foundrymen´s society, Mrs. Mirjam Jan-Blazic, always find the right composition for an interesting program.

This year she welcomed Dipl.-Ing Andrew Turner (WFO), Prof. Andreas Bührig-Polaczek (Head of the Foundry Institute RWTH Achen), Dr. Christian Wilhelm (BDG), Dipl.Ing. Gerhard Schindlbacher and Prof. Peter Schumacher (ÖGI), Msc.

Tadeusz Franaszek (President Polish Foundrymen) and Prof. Zdenka Zovko Brodarac, Croatia as VIP guests.

The conference was visited by more than 270 participants from 17 countries and provided 33 lectures, 7 poster presentations and ten plenary lectures focused on cast iron and casting technology and non ferrous alloys and 48 exhibitors presented the state of the art technologies for the industry.

In 2017 Slovenia will take over the chair in the CAEF, the European Foundry Association and the next Portoroz Conference will take place from 13th to 15th September 2017.

Together with the WFO the Slovenian Foundrymen`s society announced that the WTF (World Technical Forum) will be organized in 2019 by Slovenia, probably in Portoroz.

Company Info

Slovenian Foundrymen`s Society

Lepi pot 6, p.p. 424
1001 Ljubljana

Telephone: +386 1 252 24 88
