
First-tier auto-industry supplier: KSPG AG

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Effective July 1, 2014, Dr. Alexander Sagel heading Hardparts division

Dr. Alexander Sagel (43) has been appointed head of KSPG's Hardparts division which encompasses the following business units: Small-Bore Pistons, Large-Bore Pistons, Bearings, and Castings. The division subsumes the global operations of this first-tier auto-industry supplier within the Rheinmetall Group in the markets for small- and large-bore pistons as well as plain bearings, continuous castings, engine blocks, cylinder heads, and structural components. The companies belonging to KSPG's Hardparts division will in future be marketing their products throughout the business units under the well-known core brand of KS Kolbenschmidt.

After taking his doctorate in materials science and working in various positions at Daimler AG, Dr. Sagel joined the KSPG Group in July 2005 as Director Business Development and Innovation Services at KS Kolbenschmidt. As from 2010 he was in charge of global marketing at KS Kolbenschmidt and KS Aluminium-Technologie until in April 2012 he assumed overall responsibility for the Group's Small-Bore Pistons operations. This latter business unit he will continue to head in addition to his new function at the helm of the Hardparts division.

The division's management team also includes as to date CFO Dr. Peter Neu and Volker Fütterer, Head of Hardparts HR.


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Source: KSPG AG
