Foundry Corporate News Foundry of exzellenz Topic Pressure Die Casting

Foundry of the Week: ZAMAPRES SRL

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ZAMAPRES SRL has been planning and assembling dies for 40 years. High skill and experience with customers make pressure die-casts more precise and optimal. During these years detailed planning and a long-gained experience which enable us to support and satisfy our customers' requirements. We can print details between a few grams and 2,5 kilos. Zinc alloy (ZL0410 EN
1774) pressure die-casts techn logy is optimised using COLOSIO machines. COLOSIO is much more innovative and dictated by environmental sustainability.

Our machinery can be connected to FONDAREX machines in order to realize vacuum details: pressure die-casts without gas and porosity, but with very low thickness. Many products are the results of research and co-design between customer, die-sinker and printer: a great mix to overcome critical situation and guarantee the highest quality of the product.

Our Know how is appropriated to those who want to create details in Zamak: car parts, furnishing and decorative objects, handles, taps and fittings, bathroom furniture, shower hinges, valves, connectors and pneumatic parts, lighting, locks, coffin decoration (handles and crosses) and design...etc. We use Zamak of prime quality, that is certified UNI EN 10204 - 2005 and UNI CEI EN ISO7IEC 17050-1-2 - 2005. ZAMAPRESS SRL guarantees quality and skill to our customers.


Company Info


Via E. Alessandrini 20
20013 Magenta (MI)

Telephone: 02-9794353
