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Foundry Plus protects Robots in Foundry environments!

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The well established range of Foundry Plus robots from ABB are extended with yet another robot model. As from week 40, the IRB 6620 has the Foundry Plus option available.

The Foundry Plus robots are designed based on requirements from lubricants and cooling spray used in die casting machines. Selected design features are:

  • protection class IP67 entire robot

  • special anti-rust primer under a layer of two-component epoxy paint
  • protection of wrist joints and wrist flange
  • corrosion protection with special rust preventive on not painted surfaces
  • and motors sealed with sealing compound
  • Foundry environments are extremely tough on equipment, not least industrial robots. Coolants, lubricants and metal spits wear the robots far beyond the normal. This increases the risk of downtime, repairs and reduced service life – at least unless you take action against it.

    Tiny airborne particles of coolant and lubricant are not concerned with which parts of the robot are protected, and which are not. These substances penetrate all unprotected areas, causing damage and corrosion. Protection of the entire robot is therefore crucial. Only ABB’s FoundryPlus offers complete protection of the robot, as well FoundryPlus protection of additional axes, such as track motions.

    Robots protected by FoundryPlus are completely sealed – from base to wrist. It offers protection that meets and exceeds IP67 according to IEC 529, which in practice means that the robot is totally sealed against the ingress of any solid or fluid substances.

    Today, many suppliers offer IP67 protection of foundry robots. But in order to provide full protection, the entire robot manipulator must be protected. Only robots using ABB’s FoundryPlus are protected in this way.

    IP67 compliance in itself is not sufficient to ensure long term operational up-time. It must also considerable resilience against wear and corrosion. FoundryPlus offers a unique combination of aluminium chromation and steel primer protection, on top of which is a two-component epoxy paint to make the robot resistant to the intense wear caused by daily high-pressure washing.

    FoundryPlus offers a cost-effective insurance against premature failures and operational problems, which pays off rapidly – often within a year.

    High availability and long service life is guaranteed with Foundry Plus.

    Features of Foundry Plus

    • protects robots in foundry environments
    • IP67 compliant and highly corrosion proof
    • withstands high-pressure steam washing
    • less repairs and longer lifetime
    • wide robot range available as Foundry Plus


    Suppliers Catalogue: <link _top>ABB Robotics




    Foundry Plus - Background

    • Robots are often working in very severe environments that require that the robots are tight and withstand penetrating material
    • Foundries rank among the toughest environments for a robot
      - A high sealing standard on the robot’s joints is vital to withstand coolants and lubricants
      - Airborne aluminum particles
      - Small metal particles mixed with lubricants and coolants makes amishmash
      - Heat and spits from the different foundry applications
    • Robots in a foundry needs to be designed to withstand the harsh environment and also be washable with adequate washing equipment

    Foundry Requirements

    The robot needs to be tight


    • Withstand lubricants and coolants
      – Spec: 100 liters of lubricant / cycle
    • IP67 on the wholemanipulator
      – Highest possible dust protection and water tight
    • Corrosion Protected

    Withstand Aluminum Spits and Flashes

    • Foundries are hot and harsh environments
    • A lot of spits and flashes arise when machining or tending
    • Spits mixed with coolant and lubricant makes a mishmash that is difficult to remove and affect the robot

    Hot Steam Washable Robot

    • High pressure steam is required to wash away dirt and spits form the robots

    Corrosion protected

    • Corrosion protections is required
      - Hot steam washing
      - Coolants and Lubricants

    Wrist totally leak proof

    Special sealing for gears and bearings

    Flange sealing

    Protection plugs

    Sealed Motors

    Extra covers
