Foundry Corporate News Topic Automation Topic Process Control Technology

Gefond: A transformative outlook for foundries

The Italian supplier of diecasting and foundry equipment, Gefond, believes the foundry sector is budding with transformation.

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min | Bildquelle: Gefond

Current challenges are prompting many companies to rethink their business models, invest in innovation and adopt more sustainable strategies, says Gefond. However, despite initial difficulties, Gefond believes the industry shows signs of innovation that could bring long-term benefits.

This renewal period could provide a solid foundation for a more efficient and competitive future, it says. Looking to the past, Gefond reminds us that the foundry sector faced similar challenges during the 2008-2009 financial crisis. The company believes this experience will help the industry navigate the current environment with confidence.

`An exponential growth model does not follow a straight line,´ says Gefond. ‘Progress may seem slow at first, but it is at this stage that vision and commitment make all the difference.’Gefond encourages its industry peers to build solid foundations, invest in new technologies, and cultivate resilient relationships and teams. In time, results will emerge, and growth will accelerate, says Gefond.

Now is the time to be forward-looking and prepare to seize the opportunities that the future holds, it says.‘Together we can meet this challenge with determination and optimism!’

The company itself is currently exploring foundry AI solutions for predictive maintenance and process optimization.


Company Info

Gefond S.R.L.

Via Triboniano, 103
20156 Milan

Telephone: +39 02/33401545
