Foundry Corporate News Topic Discharging, Decoring, Fettling, Finishing

General Kinematics Announces New Office in India

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GKC Headquarters, Crystal Lake, IL - General Kinematics, manufacturer of custom engineered vibratory process equipment, announced a new company in Bangalore this week. Located in India for 8 years, this new company space for General Kinematics India provides the firm with increased ability to meet the needs, at all levels, for GK customers in the region. GK has a solid reputation in India as a unique solutions provider and their highly technical team is able to solve a variety of industry process challenges. Their mission is to offer technology solutions that contribute to improving their customers’ processes and outcomes in the short, medium and long term.

General Kinematics India Pvt. Ltd. Managing Director, Ajay Chougule had this to say about the new location: “General Kinematics Corporation is present in India since 2008 with Liaison office at New Delhi. In the last 8 years with a growth in business and customer base in region, General Kinematics decided to expand business by incorporating a Private Limited company based in Bangalore. In these 8 years, GK has provided equipment to many new customers in India, Bangladesh, Nepal & Pakistan and with this there was need to have spare parts available locally in India to reduce lead time.

The newly formed company General Kinematics India Private Limited will primarily cater to customers in subcontinent by supplying spare parts, automation and service support. General Kinematics has always provided the best customer support service to date and with the new company in place it will be further improved. Spare parts will be stocked in India now thus reducing lead time and inventory at the customer end. Both foundry and non-foundry customers will be benefited with the support system created from General Kinematics India Private Limited. I would also take this opportunity to thank all our customers who gave us this opportunity to grow over these years by showing trust in us. Also I would thank all of our vendors who worked day and night with us to help us create a good reliable team.”

Company Info

General Kinematics Corp.

5050 Rickert Rd.
IL 60014 Crystal Lake
United States

Telephone: +18154553222
