
GER - Havelländische Zink-Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG - The story continues with investor Dana Minor

Havelländische Zink-Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG (HZD) can continue after the company was sold to the entrepreneur Dana Minor after its bankruptcy. Ms. Minor is a local entrepreneur and was previously a senior executive at HZD. The company will now operate as "HZD - Druckguss Havelland GmbH".

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The company now wants to restart at full throttle and is building on the 93 remaining employees.

In the past nine months, a series of restructuring measures have been implemented in close cooperation with the management staff, contracts have been redesigned and the production processes have been reorganized. Above all, outsourced post-processing steps should be brought back into the company in order to increase added value. The restructuring that has been initiated is intended to bring the company back on the road to success in the long term.

HZD is known for precision die casting, thin-wall casting and surface processing of zinc parts, etc. for the electrical, automotive, furniture and lock and fittings industries. The products include e.g. Fittings for windows and doors, heat sinks for electronic applications or parts for ski bindings.

Annual sales were most recently around EUR 20 million.


Company Info

HZD - Druckguss Havelland GmbH

Robert-Koch-Str. 2
14727 Premnitz

Telephone: +49 (0)3386 2700 0
