Foundry Corporate News TOP - Environment / Energy Topic Enviroment, Energy & Safety

H2O - Efficient usage of resources...

...becomes more important in modern production facilities


Even systems which are not directly production integrated can contribute

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efficient_usage_of_resources_in_modern_production_facilitiesSavings in the production process have direct, positive impact on company earnings and help to improve competitiveness. Beside production integrated processes more and more offsites, auxiliaries and infrastructure are  closely looked at. Savings in consumption of electricity, compressed air, consumables and water as well as waste management cost can have big impact on the operating result. A company destructing 2.500 m³ spent emulsions annually with specialised waste management companies can save up to € 1.2 – 1.3 Mio. In ten years when processing the spent emulsions in-house.

In the last 25 years about 1.000 VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems have been installed in industrial production facilities around the world. Thus waste management cost for about 950.000 t of waste water could be saved. Fresh water savings of the same amount have been achieved as well. During the same time period H2O GmbH managed to reduce electricity consumption of the VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems by 70 % to about 35 Wh/l nowadays. 

Smart options allow customizing of the systems. For the treatment of spent emulsions and rinsing water from degreasing the patented ClearCat® technology is of advantage. Compared to conventional evaporators, available on the market, the COD reduction is about 60% better. The treated water is in the truest sense crystal clear and virtually free of oil. Thus it can be recycled directly, without post treatment, creating a zero liquid discharge production facility.

For amounts higher than 150 m³annualy VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems offer the most feasible method for the processing of industrial process waste water. Thus they strongly contribute to optimize operation results.

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