Foundry Corporate News Topic Coremaking Topic Melting Shop Topic Simulation

Digital Control of the Melting Process is an Absolute Must for Greater Efficiency

Too Much Money is Wasted in Melting Operations

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min | Bildquelle: RGU GmbH

The state of melting operations in the metal industry (foundries, iron and steel production, smelting, etc.) is diverse and fragmented. Currently, melting remains one of the least digitized areas in many companies’ workflows, offering tremendous potential for productivity improvements.

There are proven and evident solutions.

In this whitepaper, RGU provides a comprehensive overview of foundry practices combined with digitization approaches, supported by modern software and hardware, presenting the latest state-of-the-art methods for managing melting operations.

Optimized melting processes, combined with cost-efficient material usage, reduced alloy additions, and shorter melting times, determine how economical a melting operation can be. Efficient support for the melting process, integrated with effective material management and successful energy management systems, is increasingly becoming a critical success factor in metal foundries.

Discover more in this whitepaper: Whitepapers - B2B Portal 


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44263 Dortmund
Deutschland / Germany

Telephone: +49 (0) 231 41 997 0
