Interesting Outlook for Investors and Suppliers
The Indometal 2013 special exhibition focused on the synergistic interrelations of foundry technology, casting products, Metallurgy and thermoprocess technology, professionally organized by <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Messe Düsseldorf, finished its first edition with success.
Two hundred and sixty exhibitors from 26 countries met and estimated 6.200 visitors from more than 20 nations during four days last week. We saw impressive pavilions from Austria, Italy, China, Taiwan and Uk. Leading German suppliers and companies from the US had their own stands or were represented by their agents from Indonesia.The exhibitors were generally satisfied on demand and were able to expand existing relationships as well as establish new contacts. “ We will try to provide a federal participation for German suppliers next time” considered Dr. Würz und Mr. Resch (VDMA) in view of the location and future prospects.
Besides the exhibition, the organizers presented a well attended conference with speakers from industry, economy and associations.
There is no doubt, Indonesia and the whole region can expect growth and stability:
- Next 11 country with a population of 260 Mio. people
- Best investment grade status
- An 6,5% gross domestic product increase since 2011
- Enormous potential in domestic consumption
- Low inflation rate
- 50% of the population is less than 29 years old
- Unemployment rate 6,5%
- Indonesia provides all raw materials on demand
The question is, when to invest or engage in Indonesia when other markets are getting weaker or change. As we have learned that a lot of Japanese automotive manufacterers are interested in investing in Indonesia, this should also be interesting for others.
Messe Düsseldorf with its team from Singapore did a remarkable job based on their experience of <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>GIFA, THERMPROCESS, MELTEC and NEWCAST and installed an exhibition with future.
The next edition will take place from December 11.- 13.2014, one day less than the first exhibition.
Here are some comments and feedback of indometal 2013 exhibitors:
- SMS Elotherm GmbH develops and manufactures systems for the thermal electro technologies, and is part of the SMS Group - one of the global leaders in plant and mechanical construction for the entire metallurgical process chain. Anis Abdurahman, Project Manager Sales commented: “We support the idea of having a metal and steel specialised trade fair in Indonesia as the market here has a lot of growth potential and is very interesting for our business.”
- Bob Scheuer, Assistant Vice-President of Paul Wurth S.A. expects Indonesia’s metal and steel industry to grow significantly over the next view years and therefore sees the necessity of his company to show presence at local exhibitions in order to keep up with the development. “Indonesia has great potential, but the local industry needs to learn from the global players. I think Messe Düsseldorf made the right decision to organize a metal and steel exhibition in Indonesia in order to provide this networking and learning opportunity. We look forward to participating again in 2014.”
- Acknowledging the importance of attending specialised trade fairs, Andrew Keep, Sales Manager at Inductotherm Group Australia Pty Ltd said: “If we visit Indonesia we can meet maybe one or two clients a day, but with an exhibition like indometal we can reach about 30 to 40 customers, new and existing ones.” He added: “The business in Indonesia is developing fast, so it is a big advantage to be one of the first companies here with a local production line.”
- “On the first day of the exhibition we have already closed a sales deal for our brand new press machine. So certainly we will continue to exhibit at indometal in the coming years”, commented Ms Armwati, Managing Director of Asai Metal, PT.
- Stating their support for indometal, Thersya Lukita, Operations Manager at QES Indonesia, PT said: “We made the right choice to participate at this exhibition as we met numerous potential buyers. We expect that those meetings will lead to further discussions and eventually to closed sales deals. Absolutely, we will join the next edition of indometal in 2014.”
- Octo Corindo Sarana, PT, one of the leaders in producing foundry materials and machinery, was also satisfied with their participation at indometal 2013. “We met visitors from across the region, such as Medan, Surabaya and Jakarta. We expect that the exhibition will be even more successful in the years to come and we will definitely exhibit again next year”, said their Business Development Manager Adam A. Bachtiar.
- From China C-High Carbon Products Co Ltd presented their range of raw materials for the metal and steel industries. “We had a lot of meetings with potential new customers at our booth. Looking at the high quality of visitors, we are definitely keen to join indometal again next year as we see a lot of potential for our company in Indonesia”, said Sophie Zhang from the Marketing Department.
- “We are very satisfied with our participation, unlike other exhibitions in the region, indometal provides a specialised platform with high profile visitors”, said Neha Dilip Karnik, Sales Support and Marketing Communications Executive at Oxford Instruments Pte Ltd. “Exhibiting at a trade fair is not only about selling products and gathering leads, but also to gain market knowledge and see what our competitors are doing.”
- Although the market is still developing, Andrea Kehry, Marketing Manager, LOI Group said it was important for her company to be present at indometal and to penetrate the market. “We expect a change in about 4-5 years, and we have to start now to build up business relationships with local partners and potential customers.”
- Christopher J. Messina, President, RAD-CON Inc. also echoed the commitment to participate in the next edition of indometal: “Messe Düsseldorf Asia is a very good trade fair organizer and is able to attract the right audience for a trade fair like this. Based on the result so far, we are confident that we will exhibit again next year. We only attend two to three exhibitions a year as an exhibitor and we decided for Indonesia, because we see the immense market potential here. It is important to be here and meet people locally.”
The next indometal will take place from 11 to 13 December 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
For more information, please visit <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>
⇒ Watch exhibitors flash interviews on <link http: foundryplanet _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Foundry-Planet`s Video
⇒ See the fair impressions in <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Foundry-Planet`s Gallery
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