Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

Indometal 2014 - Jakarta

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As a specialist trade fair focused on the synergistic interrelations of foundry technology, casting products, metallurgy and thermoprocess technology, indometal 2014 presents some 300 global industry players from 30 countries including Indonesia’s leading producers, equipment manufacturers, product distributors with their latest high-level technology, machinery, innovations and products for Indonesia and the region’s thriving metal and steel sectors.

Jointly organized by Messe Düsseldorf Asia and PT Wahana Kemalaniaga Makmur (WAKENI), indometal 2014 will be held from 11 to 13 December 2014 at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Indonesia

Targeting over 10,000 quality trade visitors from around the globe, indometal 2014 will provide trade visitors a dynamic one-stop business platform to:

  • Meet with top metal and steel technology and processing experts from national pavilions and groups from Austria, China, Germany, Indonesia, Italy and Taiwan
  • Increase their business productivity and manufacturing efficiency with the latest and most sophisticated machinery and equipment
  • Improve their business supply chain with cost-effective processing technology
  • Establish strategic partnerships and network with leading industry experts through various concurrent conference and seminars

Why visit indometal 2014 - The ideal platform to serve Indonesia’s robust industry needs

Latest industry statistics from Indonesia’s Ministry of Industry indicate a US$400 million investment for infrastructure projects that include construction of roads, seaports, airports, railroads and power plants to support its economic developments. Expansion of manufacturing, processing and other production activities at key economic corridors with metal-industry developments (such as Banten, South and West Kalimantan, North Sumatera, Sulawesi, North Maluku, Papua and etc.) will benefit global and domestic industry players across the steel, aluminium, nickel and copper industries.

With the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) taking place in 2015, steel demand in the region is expected to be further boosted with the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects to enhance ASEAN connectivity. As the country with the largest economy and highest population in ASEAN, Indonesia’s share of steel consumption reached 20.9% making it the top second steel consuming country in the region. With its own dynamic market and industry potential, Indonesia is also well-positioned for leading companies to anchor their business here.

Against this dynamic backdrop and abundant economic opportunities, indometal 2014 is the ideal gateway for competitive businesses to venture ahead and expand their business further into Indonesia’s growing metal and steel industries

Highlights on the show floor - indotools

A special feature at the trade fair is indotools - a dedicated showcase focused on high-technology tooling solutions, precision tooling, and cost-effective tooling systems that will synergistically complement indometal 2014.

Be captivated with innovative solutions to tooling challenges that addresses the most sophisticated equipment, metallurgical and thermo process technology and machinery needs for the metal and steel sector.

indotools offer a one-stop business and sourcing opportunity for the latest end-to-end solutions across the metal and steel industrial value chain.

Join us to Transform Your Business! Pre-register your visit now at <link http:>

The wide-range of machinery, technology, products and solutions featured at indometal 2014 will benefit and applicable to businesses and personnel from these sectors:

  • Mechanical & Precision Engineering
  • Contract Manufacturing & Turnkey Projects
  • Electrical / Electronics Manufacturing
  • Building & Construction
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Chemical & Petrochemical
  • Environment Protection
  • Mining, Oil & Gas
  • Power Generation & Public Utilities
  • Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering
  • Telecommunications & many others

Sneak Preview of Exhibiting Companies: (please insert the product photos provided)

Concurrent Seminar

Smelter as a Driver of Metal Industry Development
11 Dec 2014 | 11.00am - 3.00pm Bromo Room, Trademart Building, 6th Floor, JI Expo Kemayoran

Session 1: Regulation, Current Update Technology and The Technology Needed in Not Too Distant Future to Boost The Value Added Mineral Policy
Session 2: Presentations by Overseas Exhibitors - Processing Technology for Iron, Aluminium, Nickel & Copper
Session 3: Presentations by Local Exhibitors - Technology on Foundry, Refractories

Exhibitor contact worldwide:
Beattrice Ho
Tel: (65) 6332 9642
E-mail: <link mail window for sending>Opens window for sending

Press contact worldwide:
Siti Sayadi
Tel: (65)6332 9621
E-mail: <link mail window for sending>Opens window for sending

