
The GIFA is one of the highlights in our exhibition planning. No virtual meeting can replace personal contact. We are looking forward to exciting discussions with our partners and customers about our product solutions and service offering...

...Come and see for yourself about services we can do for you. / Stephan Muscheites |Sales Director

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min | Bildquelle: Jutec

Since its foundation in 1987, JUTEC GmbH has developed over 18,000 different products for heat protection, insulation technology and laser protection, today ranging among the leading European manufacturers in this field of technology

Contact: Stephan Muscheites / Sales Director

Visit us at the GIFA - GMTN in hall 10 / Stand H40

We look forward to seeing you with the whole team!

Visit also our homepage at:


Company Info

JUTEC Hitzeschutz GmbH

Am Autobahnkreuz 6-8
26180 Rastede

Telephone: +49 (0) 4402 - 8632-0
