After a successful trip to China and Turkey, the Foundry Industry of Bengal is planning a trip to Japan for betterment of the industry in eastern India.
The Foundry Industry of Bengal feels the trip is another step towards development in terms of collaboration, learn eco-friendly industrial concepts and implementation of cutting edge technological know-how for their industry.
Under the leadership of Raj Kejriwal ( MD ), Kiswok Industries Pvt. Ltd. a group of 25 members across 19 different foundries from Bengal, Jharkhand & Gujarat like AIC Casting Pvt. Ltd, Bharat Engineering Works, BSP Multiworth India Pvt. Ltd, Chandra Udyog, Edcons (MKS) Castings Pvt. Ltd, GPT Castings Limited, Graphite & Mineral Products, IEMCO Industries Pvt. Ltd, IVP Limited, JPK Metallics Pvt. Ltd, Kejriwal Castings Ltd, Minerals India, Mittal Ferrocast Pvt. Ltd, Premium Ferromet Pvt. Ltd., R K Industry, Sett Iron Foundry, Swastika Enterprises, Victory Iron Works Ltd., and Vinayak Founders Pvt. Ltd. will be on a tour of the Japanese foundries.
The trip, supported by Sunil Sharma will be commencing on the May 25 and end on June 2 with the group paying visits to about 10 foundries across Japan, namely – Aikawa Iron Woeks co. Ltd, Chuo Malleable co Ltd, Handa Casting, Hoshino Casting Ltd, Itochuko co . Ltd, Niake Seiki Ltd, Nishioka Malleable Iron co. Ltd, Niwa Chuzo co. Ltd, Sintokogio Ltd and Toyota Motors.
The members also hope to get a first-hand experience of the “Vacuum Process” castings which was developed and patented in Japan in the late 1970s.
The process is very low operating cost, unlimited pattern life cost, Zero degree draft, with excellent dimensional tolerances defect free casting with smooth surface finish.
According to Raj Kejriwal, Managing Director, Kiswok Industries, “We hope the trip will prove to be a giant leap in making a marked development in the foundry industry in Bengal, especially the medium and large scale enterprises. We hope to imbibe what is best for our industry and contribute to the success story of Eastern region."
Source: <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>India Blooms News Service