Con - Commercial Foundry Corporate News

MAConsulting and Engineering GmbH - starting from January 2009 also in Germany

MAConsulting and Engineering GmbH Deutschland
Marienstrasse 13, 01445 Radebeul/Dresden

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MAConsulting and Engineering GmbH is a provider of foundry planning and consulting services based in Gundetswil near Winterthur/Switzerland, specialized in foundry industry activities. Within the last 6 years MAC could position itself due to solid knowledge and consequent customer orientation as a competent partner for any questions related to foundries.

The strength of our service comes from the realization of economical and practical solutions and the continued transfer of proven and new technological and equipment know-how of foundry technology.

Starting from January 2009 we move with the

MAConsulting and Engineering GmbH Deutschland
Marienstrasse 13, 01445 Radebeul/Dresden,

closer to our customers and allow shorter travelling times for our employees. All this under the heading „always faster at our partners’ and customers’ side“.

We like to support you in the realization of your future projects and we are able to customize solutions to your companies needs and realize them together with your people.

Until now we have realized the following kind of projects:
- Planning of changes of existing installations and processes
- Planning of new installations and of entire foundries
- Process optimizations, scrap reductions and productivity increase

In addition we have increased our competence in order to answer any kind of questions regarding your energy consumption in order to reduce your energy costs.



Suppliers Catalogue: <link _top>MAConsulting and Engineering GmbH
