Foundry Corporate News Topic Simulation

MAGMA User Group Meetings 2016 – ASEAN Chapters

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In cooperation with our partners in the region MAGMA Engineering Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd- Singapore conducted our annual user group meetings with the motto “MAGMA5 Optimization – The future of casting process simulation” at 3 different venues during March 2016. Combined more than 100 participants joined us for our annual events to learn about the latest advancements in casting process optimization.

The first of the 3 User Group Meetings (UGM) was held in Jakarta, Indonesia for the second time at the Harris Hotel, on March 8th. Together with our partners around 40 participants joined this meeting. After welcoming everybody we started out with current and future developments of MAGMA5, followed by first hands on experience MAGMA5 – Optimization has achieved in the local foundry industry. It has been about 1 year since MAGMA has introduced its fully integrated autonomous optimization capabilities, and attendees were eager to share their experiences with the new methodology. In the afternoon session we had a wonderful technically enlightening but also humorous presentation by PT. Surya TOTO about the application of MAGMA5 for their processes. The numerous presentations by MAGMA’s experienced team were well received and the event concluded with the usual Q&A session.

The second UGM of 2016 took place in Thailand, Bangkok, at the Dusit Princess Srinakarin Hotel 2 days after the Indonesia UGM. As usual M5 Engineering organized the event with the main focus on energy savings and emission reduction. More than 50 participants enjoyed several presentations by M5 Engineering and MAGMA colleagues on Optimization. Highlight of the day were the user presentations, one of them by the National Metal & Materials Technology Center (M-TEC), one by King Mongkut University of Technology (KMUTT) from Thonburi. The KMUTT presented how to use MAGMA to avoid porosities in aluminium castings by reduction of temperature and brought along proof of the same in form of anvil card holders (see picture) for all participants. A technically demanding presentation was held by Siam TOYOTA Manufacturing on the optimization of a cast part and maximizing yield whilst reducing defects using MAGMA5. A special visualization project was introduced using MAGMA5 Release 5.3 with autonomous optimization to determine the best gating and feeding system out of 6 possible designs with the objectives of minimized porosity in the casting while at the same time maximizing the yield.  This project will be used in future to teach foundrymen the positive impacts autonomous optimization can have on metal casting operations.

The third and final UGM – for the Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines chapter was held in the Jen Hotel at the beautiful and tranquil Puteri Harbour in Malaysia, which is just a stone throw away from Johor Bahru city and Singapore. MAGMA Engineering Asia Pacific invited customers from around the region to share future developments of MAGMA5 and also introduce the new MAGMAapp with virtual reality to the market. Approximately 30 people joined this year’s meeting. After the welcome and opening presentation by our Group Managing Director of MAGMA in Asia, Mr. Christian Kleeberg, colleagues from the Asean headquarter of MAGMA in Singapore showcased various technical presentations, case studies and customer contributions from the ASEAN region. Topics like the importance of technical support and latest hardware developments were covered as well as Steel, Iron, Stress and also Die Casting applications. In the afternoon session our partner from the Philippines, Teknologix, presented a customer success story from their local client Makoto, which was very well received by the audience. The event finished with a presentation on SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding Technology, the plastics and polymer simulation tool by SIGMA, the subsidiary of MAGMA and a Q&A session.

We thank all participants for their attendance and a special thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to the success of the events with the wide variety of customer presentations. We are looking forward to welcoming you again next year!

Registration at the Thailand UGM at the Dusit Princess Hotel

The “KMUTT – Anvil” Namecard Holder with MAGMA Logo, a gift to all participants

Presentation by Siam TOYOTA Manufacturing on Optimization of a cast part
