
Metal Filtration Limited at GIFA 2015 – The Corundum Free Guarantee

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WAM®AL II is a very special family of products which was specifically designed for the aluminum processing industry. This technology was developed in conjunction with the Department of Energy to specifically reduce the energy demand of molten aluminum processing equipment. Several domestic and international patents have been assigned to this technology and its derivatives.

These represent a range of products that fill all the refractory needs of the modern aluminum processor. (except for contact with bath salt in electrolysis cells.) This family of products represents a true paradigm shift in refractory technology in this application. It is now possible to employ an insulating working lining in contact with molten aluminum without the fear of damage due to corundum buildup or penetration of the refractory lining by the molten aluminum.

As a result, customers utilising this technology have measured energy savings of up to 50% within two years of deploying the technology. In addition they have seen their maintenance costs and efforts cut in half. The WAM®AL II Family of Products, WILL help reduce cost and improve your bottom line profitability!

Let us help you eliminate the Corundum conundrum.

WAM® AL II Medium Density Microporous Castable

WAM® AL II is a truly unique product, designed to reduce the energy consumption associated with processing and handling of molten aluminum metal and to be non-reactive and non-wetted by the liquid metal. As a result this product has become the most demanded refractory material for molten aluminum applications by every company and individual desiring to reduce refractory wear, energy consumption and maintenance costs.

WAM® AL II technology can be deployed in every area of aluminum processing vessels whether in contact with molten metal or not, with some minor exceptions. It eliminates the need to zone between lower sidewalls, bellybands and upper sidewalls.

WAM® AL II is suitable in the belly band area because it does not promote the formation of corundum like other refractory linings nor is it penetrated by the metal or corundum which does form due to atmospheric oxygen. Any buildup is easily removed without any damaging physical effort. It is less dense than aluminum so any pieces that become dislodged float out and thus do not result in refractory inclusions.

WAM® AL II has been successfully used in all areas of reverbaratory-type melting furnaces, troughs, heated launders, holding furnaces, stacks, transfer ladles, over-the-road crucibles, and a variety of lids and doors.

It WAM® AL II has a demonstrated record of performance with continued operation in some vessels approaching 8 years and counting. Customers have measured energy savings compared to their old refractory linings of up to 50% and they have cut their maintenance efforts and costs in half or more.

Metal Filtration Limited


There are a few process vessel areas where the micro-porous nature of the WAM® AL II and the resulting lack of abrasion resistance can be problematic. These areas are molten stream impact areas and hearths where solid metal such as sows are sweated, areas where high velocity gases are present, impact areas in loading stack melters or other scrap impact zones, guillotine doors or other similar closures, furnace tap blocks, areas that see mechanical abuse due to impact with process equipment such as door jambs and lintels and finally areas in contact with high amounts of flux.

For these areas WAM® AL II HD is the recommended product of choice. It is the same technology employed in the medium weight WAM® AL II without the micro-pores. Therefore, this product does not offer the same energy savings. However, it still retains the non-wetting, non-reactive, easy maintenance characteristics of the medium weight product but now in a high strength, abrasion resistant version. This product also resists the chemical attack of the alkali present in many fluxes.

WAM® AL II HD can be cast concurrently with the WAM® AL II. Therefore, impact areas can be cast with the dense material and then the medium weight material can be cast directly in contact with the dense material without any detrimental installation or service issues. Precast impact pads of WAM® AL II HD have also been used in conjunction with WAM® AL II. Another very popular precast shape is tap out blocks. Because there is no sticking, the tap holes are very easily cleared of any corundum formations.


WAM® AL II G is a gun mix version of the WAM® AL II castable. It maintains all the advantages of the castable system, including the microporosity, in a gun mix version. This means the material is non-wetted and unreactive with molten aluminum.

Typical application areas are larger installations where time is of the essence. WAM® AL II G exhibits outstanding gunning characteristics, inherently low rebound, and can be used to repair original WAM® AL II cast installations after several years of use.

Because of the non wetting and non reactive nature of the castable, there is little cleaning of the old surface required. However, it is recommended that the old surface be roughed up so as to create ’holds’ for the new gunned material.

WAM® AL II G has been installed in several furnace walls from the upper to lower sidewall areas. It can also be shot overhead to repair any cracks in the roof which may form over time.

Company Info

Metal Filtration Ltd

Retford Enterprise Centre Randall Way
DN22 7RG U Retford,
United Kingdom


