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METEF-FOUNDEQ 2010: the metallurgical industry takes off again

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After the record success of the 2008 edition, METEF-FOUNDEQ is preparing for the next meeting, planned in Brescia from the 14th to the 17th April 2010 at the Garda Exhibition Centre (Montichiari) Italy. It will be the edition of recovery for the global metallurgical industry, which will fi nally leave the impasse of these months behind. At METEF-FOUNDEQ 2010 the metals production and transformation system will fi nd new energy to return to growth, motivating force and ideas to continue to make innovation that functions.

The initiatives that we are putting in place will favour the creation of a climate of greater serenity and optimism. On one hand, they will make the offering of technologies and materials for the complex metals production chain even more complete, with the creation of an area dedicated to rolling and the expansion of the foundry casting area, where a large group of producers of cast components in all metals will be present. On the other hand, there is great investment in the further internationalization of the event, that will insure the presence of many foreign operators and delegations from 50 countries at the exhibition; a result that will be attained thanks to even stronger partnerships between METEF-FOUNDEQ 2010 and institutions, associations and authorities around the world. It is obvious that an exhibition must today guarantee its participants the possibility of having profi table contacts and to conclude business transactions at the exhibition and METEFFOUNDEQ 2010, thanks to these and other initiatives, will attract buyers from around the world interested in acquiring systems, machinery, equipment for the production and transformation of metals; extruded, cast and rolled components; products and materials for treatment and fi nishing.Mario Bertoli,President of Assomet, Italian Associationof non Ferrous Metals Industries:

“Events like METEF serve to give the sector awareness of the importance that it has for the Italian and European economy and are a great opportunity of business growth. Keep in mind that today the Italian export for the metals production chain is worth more than that of the fashion and the furnishings sectors. For this reason Assomet, together with and as a part of EAA, decided to give exclusive support to the event, contributing in particular to the initiatives that favour the internationalization of the enterprises that participate in it. METEF represents a truly complete exhibition of the production chain in Europe, a unique opportunity for visibility, a fundamental step for the rebirth of the sector”.
FOUNDEQ 2010 is enriched by an exhibition area reserved for metal casting foundriesThe Italian foundry is a sector comprised of more than 1,000 enterprises, with 35,000 direct employees and another 12,000 occupied in upstream and downstream activities at the end of 2007 according to the data circulated by Assofond. A strong and subdivided system that places the Italian foundry in second place in Europe for the production of castings, in fi rst place for non ferrous castings (in 2007 1,084,400 tonnes were produced) and in third place for ferrous castings, preceded by Germany and France. Globally, the Italian foundry industry occupies the tenth position.

Of the 2.5 million tonnes of castings produced in Italy, more than a million are used by the transport industry. This important industry, that today is counting on innovation, technology and new materials to relaunch itself, will have a dedicated area at FOUNDEQ 2010, created to give the right visibility to a fundamental component of the ‘made in Italy’, well known abroad also if we consider that quality cars have components produced by Italian foundries. A system that needs visibility and valorization more than ever today and the FOUNDEQ 2010 Casting Foundry Area, an initiative made possible thanks also to the collaboration of ASSOFOND, will be the right opportunity, in a strategic moment of recovery of the global economy.

Assofond a partner of the new casting foundry area

Assofond, the Italian Association of Foundries that represents 300 Italian foundries, already a supporter of FOUNDEQ since the very fi rst edition, will be a privileged partner of the Casting Foundry Area created for the 2010 edition of the exhibition. FOUNDEQ 2010 will be an opportunity to evaluate the casting foundry system and to quickly take advantage of the recovery of the market in the presence of a dense representation of foreign delegates.

Piero Starita,
President of Amafond, Italian
Association of the companies that produce machines, systems,
furnaces and products for foundry:


opportunity to identify opportunity niches and relaunching space for the entire sector. But that is not all; in a phase in which the risk of an ‘aggregation’ - not to mention ‘rationalization’ - of the companies and the operators is perceived, I believe that an exhibition must also accomplish the task of affi rming that the ‘made in Italy’ technology exists and that the sector is alive and vital and should be supported. It is also for this reason that Amafond with the sponsorship of CEMAFON has always supported METEF-FOUNDEQ as a partner of the exhibition”.extrusion: historical protagonist of METEF

As is tradition, great emphasis will be given to the aluminum extrusion production chain at METEF 2010, with the presence of the sector’s main Italian and foreign extruders and world leaders in the construction of machinery, plants, equipment and fi nishing. A historical sector of excellence for Italian technology that boasts the most famous brands in the world in the production of machines and systems for the machining of profi les,extrusion is today even more oriented towards high added value structural and industrial applications in sectors such as automotive, railway, marine, aeronautics, durable goods and general mechanics, which will be well represented at METEF by foreign delegations that will visit the exhibition. In addition, the organizers are planning technical and market update meetings and initiatives aimed at the extrusion sector.

why exhibit and visit METEF-FOUNDEQ 2010

It represents the entire industrial chain of metals: from raw materials of primary and secondary origin, to first transformations, machining and technologies, products and applications, machines and plants:

It is the international expo for extrusion, diecasting, foundry,rolling, finishing, machining, welding and recycling It places topics concerning energy effi ciency,environment, recovery and recycling in the forefront of development of the metallurgical industry Together with Edimet, it is the accredited communication network between institutions, associations, events, media of the sector, and the most qualifi ed manufacturers It puts the best of world-wide technology and innovation of the aluminium and metals industry on display It is the exhibition of the aluminium sector with the highest number of specialised visitors coming from around the world It is visited by the most important international subcontractors of the sectors of automotive, furnishing and building It is an international exhibition with exhibitors from 32 countries and visitors from 54 countries with numerousoffi cial foreign delegations

It is held in Brescia, the capital of the European metal industry It is the meeting point and place of technological exchange with meetings and events of the highest level It takes advantage of the collaboration the sponsorship of the most important European trade associations It is the bridge between the big players of the metals industry and the small-medium enterprises It is promoted all over the world with an imposing communication plan in collaboration with the most prestigious media outlets and with participation in the most important events It is organized by professionals of the aluminium and metals sector It is an opportunity to visit Brescia, a city of art and Garda Lake, to take advantage of the cultural events offered by the nearby cities of Venice, Milan, Verona and Bergamo.

The big players of the metallurgy industry at METEF 2010

The big names of the global aluminum industry have already confi rmed their presence at METEF 2010, and stand booking by companies from around the world continues at a fast rate. Do not miss the recovery edition. Book your exhibition space to give the right visibility to your company.

Rolling: a new area at METEF 2010

The other “half of the business” of aluminum machining seems to have taken cue from extrusion, paying close attention to the fi nal market and the needs of the users. Technologies and know-how must consequently be a step ahead of time, look further ahead and look for new opportunities to exchange ideas and for further investigation. The new Rolling Area, supported by the main operators of the sector who have formed a METEF Rolling Area Committee, will represent the entire production chain, from the plants,machinery, equipment, production technologies, to theproducts and their machining and fi nishing through to their use in packing, transport, mechanics, electrotechnical products, building and furnishings. It will place emphasis on the made in Italy, which also in this sector relies on a high number of top companies and qualifi ed workforce, from casting plants, to rolling machines, to tooling machines, able to interest and stimulate visitors coming from all corners of the world.

The main product sectors of the Rolling Area

- Continuous casting slab plants
- Grinding machinery
- Furnaces
- Rolling cylinders and spools
- Machines for drilling, bending and fi nishing
- Machinery for cutting and foil separators
- Accessories and consumable items
- Rolling lubricants
- Thin foil applications and packing
- Transport, mechanics applications
- Traders, services
- Other applicationsThe Rolling Area is one of the biggest novelties of METEF

2010: an exhibition space created to give the world of aluminum rolling the same emphasis as sectors like extrusion, foundry and diecasting. The technologies and the market of rolling of light alloys in recent years have seen not only remarkable progress and developments but especially a signifi cant change of the protagonists.


The production of sheets and foil that was once concentrated in a few large groups, is now much more diffuse, both in geographic terms and type of operators, with changes of ownership of large plants and the increasing role of unintegrated medium-sized enterprises able to face the intensity of investment. Today’s world of rolling is therefore much different than that of just a few years ago and this can be observed not only in the typically emerging countries (India, China, Brazil) but also in the Old Continent. The metallurgical industry requests more regulationThis was the message that came from the round table The strategic value of raw materials in the current crisis for the metallurgical and iron and steel industry. 2009 International economic outlook, held on the 3rd of April during Metalriciclo 2009, the International Exhibition of technologies for the recovery and recycling of ferrous and non ferrous metals, planned and organized by Edimet. “We are living one of the most diffi cult moments of the sector”, said Romano Pezzotti, President of the Assofermet Scrap Metal Division, who highlighted the continuous drops recorded by the sector in the  first quarter of 2009. “Operating in this sector is becoming even more diffi cult: few tangible aids and insuffi cient redundancy arrangements are deteriorating the relationship between suppliers and consumers”. “I hope for a regularization of the terms of payment by public administrations”, commented Mario Bertoli, President of Assomet, the Italian Association of non Ferrous Metals Industries.

“The market has changed radically in recent years and we must insure reliable and long-lasting access to raw materials without provoking distortions in the market. Europe has given priority to energy, but not to raw materials. The 6% import custom tariff on primary aluminiumis a clear example. It infl uences the cost of end products up to 3% making them less competitive”.

Franco Zanardi, President of the Economic Committeeof Assofond, the Italian Association of Foundries, spoke about self-regulation:

“The volatility of these prices puts the foundries in an extremely weak position and hinders the overall competitiveness. We are no longer able to make longterm plans. I believe a self-regulated sector with agreements going beyond the economic situation is necessary”. Cesare Pasini, President of Nuovo Campsider, called attention to the steel sector and the -40% production recorded from the fi rst two months of 2008 to the fi rst two months of 2009. The prospects for growth of the demand forsteel in 2009 will not exceed 27.8 million tonnes recording a -23.4% with respect to 2008. Pasini hopes for lower market volatility thanks to programmed and long-lasting agreements that protect from hazardous speculations, and greater moralization of the market that would favour virtuous practices.

In Europe the aluminium industry is ‘liked’The EAA (European Aluminium Association) commissioned a Europe-wide survey on the ‘approval index’ of the aluminium industry that revealed interesting results. The survey was undertaken in early 2009 and involved non-governmental organisations, politicians, journalists, academics and government offi cials of ten communitymember states. It revealed widespread support for the aluminium industry, with 84% of the respondents viewing aluminium as a vital resource for the future and over three quarters (77%) believing that it is vital to maintain aluminium production in Europe. The survey also showed that 81% of those interviewed see recyclability as a key benefi t of aluminium in comparison to other materials. Not only is recycling seen as having a positiveimpact on the environment, but it is also considered a viable solution to European raw material shortages. These and other important topics will be discussed in the rich meeting programme planned for METEF-FOUNDEQ 2010.Patrick de Schrynmakers,Secretary General of the European Aluminium Association

“The survey leads us to the conclusion that the overall awareness of the health and safety benefi ts of aluminium, as well as the energy effi ciency of aluminium products, can and should be further promoted. For example, some stakeholders have stated that they did not know that cars containing aluminium are very safe and reduce emissions, that aluminium packaging prevents food spoilage, and that aluminium window and door frames contribute greatly to energy savings”.

wordwide delegations

METEF-FOUNDEQ 2010 will be even more international than the previous editions. This objective will be achieved thanks to the important cooperation agreements reached by the organisers with the main Italian and European associations for the attendance of delegations of specialized operators coming from the most important end markets.

an updated website

Consistent with the new image of the event, an updated version of the METEF-FOUNDEQ website is online favouring the ease of use of the search engine and the simplicity and agility of browsing. All this at the service of exhibitors and visitors who will certainly appreciate the new design.

For more information - <link http: eng home.asp _blank external-link-new-window>klick here!
