Foundry Corporate News Topic Coremaking

Modernisation and expansion of Laempe Mössner Sinto location in Schopfheim: Structural restoration of the administration building begins

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- Reconstruction of former assembly hall and administrative building has started
- New technology center demonstrates performance of the company
- Positive business performance, full order books: Laempe creates new jobs in

Laempe Mössner Sinto, the world leader in the core making technology, extensively modernises at its location in Schopfheim. The old assembly hall and offices above will be refurbished and converted into a modern, energy-efficient office building. Built on 2,500 square meters (previously 2,000 square meters), the new building will provide new attractive workplaces for the sales, engineering, research and development and service departments. In the course of restructuring, the entire outside area will also be completely redesigned and modernised. An emphasis is especially put on the opening of the new technology center early 2017. The total investment of the construction measures amounts to more than two million euros.

"We have been working in Schopfheim for more than 30 years and it is where our roots lie. For us, Schopfheim is the cradle of the company, but at the same time the future of our company will be shaped here. Research and development is the cornerstone of a successful development. Laempe was and is known in the industry for its innovations. With the substantial refurbishment we strengthen our position in Schopfheim. We are here to create an attractive working environment and enhance the capacities," explains Andreas Mössner, Managing Director of Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH.

The new building will fulfill highest requirement in terms of energy efficiency: In addition to a modern insulation, there will be a wood chip heating and rainwater harvesting. "We stand for resource-saving machines, which are the machines with the lowest energy consumption on the market. This attitude and philosophy we want also bring to our buildings," said Andreas Mössner.

New technology center shows entire expertise of the company
In the course of the renovation, the existing technical center, which is also located on Laempe’s premises, is equipped with new equipment and expanded into a technology center. The machines will be fully functional and serve customers and employees for testing, demonstration and training purposes. The production of sand cores in small and medium series according to customer order will also be realized there. The renovation of the administration building is expected to be completed in spring 2017 and thereafter, the new technology center will be opened.

The majority of the restructuring is accomplished solely by craft businesses from the region: "We feel very connected to the region, and as a global company we want to create a representative environment for our employees and customers. We are very satisfied with the current business situation, our order books are full and we want to strengthen our team in Schopfheim," explains Andreas Mössner.

Laempe Mössner Sinto employs around 80 employees in Schopfheim; overall the company has more than 300 employees working at its locations in Schopfheim, Meitzendorf and Mannheim (Germany). Laempe Mössner Sinto is a family-run company with a long tradition in German engineering and belongs to the most innovative companies in its sector. Since 1980 Laempe has been one of the leaders in the special segment of core making technology for foundries.

Company Info

Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH

Hintern Hecken 3
39179 Barleben

Telephone: +49 (0) 39202 / 692-0
