
ÖBB Rail Cargo send first freight train from China to Vienna

A symbolic project: ÖBB's freight transport division is sending the first freight train from the Chinese city of Chengdu to Vienna last week.


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The state railways also used the Austrian state visit in China to do business, negotiating several partnerships between the ÖBB freight transport division Rail Cargo Group (RCG) and companies in the Chinese transport industry.

First train starts from China's largest railway hub
At the end of last week, ÖBB sent the first freight train from Chengdu in China to Vienna. Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, is the largest railway hub in China.

"The aim is to generate further orders for the additional use of concentricity trains between Western China and Europe. In the coming years, the location will continue to gain in importance and be further strengthened as a hub for domestic traffic." 

The co-operations concluded during the journey have the goal of forcing Eurasian traffic.

Source: Industrie Magazin
