The Omega Foundry Vac is the latest product to join the Omega equipment portofolio. This is the perfect foundry accessory with a suction conveying unit suitable for most sands, shot, powders, granular products and metal slag. The Vac handles up to 10 tonnes per hour of dry sand, based on 10 metre hose with bulk densities of material approx. 1600 (kg/m3) and it is effective over distances up to 30M.
- Easily handled with a fork lift truck, the Foundry Vac weighs less than 2000kg.
- Robust design for foundry environment
- 750 litre capacity removable hopper for material collection
- Simple operation with self cleaning cycle
- Range of hose sizes & accessories to suit application (easily interchanged)
We have a Demo Unit at our Headquarters, in Peterborough , so don't take our word for it, come and try it! Contact / to book your trial or to ask for further information about the Omega Foundry Vac.