
Slovenia an exceptionally good Place for Casting Conferences

The World Foundry Organization Technical Forum and 69th IFC in Portoroz

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This year, considerably many delegates from all over the world gathered in Portoroz on the Slovenian Adriatic. With more than 400 participants from 27 countries, Chairwoman Mrjam Jan-Blazic was able to announce a record number with her organizing committee from WFO. In more than 100 lectures on various aspects of foundry technology and industry, strong foundations were presented and more than 70 exhibitors for mechanical engineering, IT and services showed their offer at the largest exhibition ever in Portoroz.

In addition, the Mediterranean environment offered ideal opportunities to forge networks, and make and maintain contacts. This is particularly important for the WTF, as it was also attended by several PhD and master students.

This strengthening of connections and communication is especially important at a time of great industrial challenges, noted Mirjam Jan-Blazic, as well as WFO President Mark Fenyes.

Slovenia's foundry industry was still in an excellent position in 2018. With around 200,000 tons of cast iron per annum, it was able to position itself as a world leader in cast production per capita.

But here, too, as elsewhere in the world, changes in the production of automotive castings are emerging, as well as the challenges of digitization and to remain attractive for young engineers in the future.

The World Technical Forum by WFO provided the best prerequisites for the motivation to accept and develop the topics and challenges of the time.

Here is an overview of the topics covered:

P. MURRELL, Cast Metals Federation, West Bromwich (UK): Training and Professional Development for the Future Foundry industry. How can the WFO help? 

C. KUHLGATZ, Hüttenes – Albertus Chemishe Werke Gmbh, Düsseldorf (D): How suppliers and Foundries can advance technology together!

M. MANAPURAM, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli (IN): A Forecast of Casting Casts Casters Castfuture

F. IDEN, B. DUDZIK, I. BACANU, Hüttenes Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH, Düsseldorf (D), Brembo Poland Sp.Z.o.o., Dąbrowa Górnicza (PL): The application of the Cordis® Process on Iron Casting

M. LEWIS, C. WILDING, Omega Sinto Foundry Machinery Ltd, Peterborough (UK): Evolution through Innovation at Fonderia FAIL 

F. HÖHN, Heinrich Wagner Sinto Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Bad Laasphe (D): Seiatsu process for complex moulds production with core sand reduction 

W. SOKOLOWSKI, Oskar Frech GmbH+Co.KG, Schorndorf (D): High Speed Casting Cell

P.L. LARSEN, J. TROJAN, DISA Industries A/S (DK): Modern Green sand moulding for everyone 

P. GROENING, Hüttenes Albertus, Chemische Werke GmbH, Düsseldorf (D): Sustainable Cold –Box Systems

M. VARGAS, Hüttenes-Albertus France S.A.R.L, Point-Saint-Maxence (FR): PENTEX-Improving Performances 

F. FEIKUS, B. STAUDER, Nemak Europe GmbH, Frankfurt (D), Nemak Linz GmbH, Linz (A): Development trends, challenges and chances with casting of electric mobility and structural components 

M. BODENBURG, J.C. STURM, Magma Gieβereitechnologie Gmbh, Aachen (D): Improving competitiveness by integrating virtual optimization into casting component development

D. HOLLAND, Calderys Deutschland Gmbh, Büro Austria, Wiener Neudorf (A): Boron free SILICA MIX Solutions for high powered Coreless Induction Furnaces – more than just environmentally friendly 

A. KLIMM, Simpson Technologies (Deutschland) GmbH, Euskirchen (D): New developments in high efficiency continuous mixing in green sand systems 

P. MAGALDI, A. PIRRO, Magaldi Power S.p.A., Salerno (IT): A customized snake-shape efficient and environmentally friendly Magaldi casting cooler MCC at Kovis plant Štore 

D. TESIĆ, Z. TESIĆ, TCT Tesic GmbH (D): Investing in second hand foundry plants: how can you earn and save money with used foundry plants 

J. TITZE, Krämer + Grebe, Biedenkopf (D): With sensors and actuators to autonomous foundry tools 

M. FASSINA, Italpresse Gauss, Capriano del Colle (IT): Advantages of toggle free high pressure die casting machines in the modern industry

For the complete list of lectures, view or download the Program HERE. If you are interested in the details of any of the lectures, please send us an email at info(at)

Company Info

Slovenian Foundrymen`s Society

Lepi pot 6, p.p. 424
1001 Ljubljana

Telephone: +386 1 252 24 88
