
Successful performance at CastForge – Interesting Potential in Hungary

An Overview with Gábor Zelei

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At CastForge in Stuttgart, we had the chance to talk to Gábor Zelei, CEO, Association of Hungarian Foundries, and were highly impressed by the successful performance of the Hungarian foundry industry.

Established in December 1992 with 26 members, the association of Hungarian Foundries counts today 68 members, 46 foundries, 19 foundry suppliers and 3 other associations. 2023 the Hungarian foundry industry employed about 8,650 people directly, about 8,200 indirectly, and had a turnover of about HUF 263 billion (EUR 685 million) with a production 195,924 tonnes of castings (a decrease of about 2.5% compared to the production volume in 2022).

Great strengths in the production of iron and steel

Regarding iron and steel, the strengths of the Hungarian foundry industry are flexibility for single piece, small and medium batch production with a well-trained workforce, professional produced heavy sand, and investment castings for the engineering industry – especially for machining – as well as heavy machine industries and the production of grey and ductile iron castings for the automotive industry. It also has cost advantages in wages and an export orientation of more than 65%.

Manufacturing of large series in the light metal sector

In the light metal sector, the Hungarian foundry industry offers manufacturing of large series of aluminium gravity and high pressure die castings for the automotive industry, advanced technologies and equipment, flexibility, competitiveness, a good communication and an export orientation of more than 85%.

Institute of Foundry and Metallurgy of the association of Hungarian Foundries

Academic program

  • BSc (Material Engineer, Chemical Engineer)
  • MSc (Material Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer, Chemical Engineer)
  • PhD (Antal Kerpely Doctoral School of Materials Science and Technology)


  • Gravity casting (ferrous, non-ferrous) to sand and die casting
  • Additive Manufacturing (plastic, metal)
  • Material, microstructure, composition (SEM, TEM, CT, RTG, etc.)


The Association of Hungarian Foundries is a social structure managing the professional business federation of the Hungarian foundry industry. Almost all prominent iron-, steel-, aluminium-, and other non-ferrous metal foundries belong to the Association. In addition to the foundries, the supply industry companies, such as producers of auxiliary materials, trading, and consulting enterprises, are also members of the Association.

The basic activity of the Association comprises the representation of the interests of the domestic foundry industry, which – besides the general representation of the employers’ and economic interests – means to promote professional interests as well.

Another major activity of the Association is to help introduce the members to the market through preparing and forwarding market information, or in case of demand on castings manufacture, through recommending the adequate member foundry to the customers, or rather forwarding the enquiries to the member foundries.


H-1211 Budapest, Öntöde u. 10.
Phone: (36-1) 420-4812
E-mail: foundry(at)

János SZALAI president
Phone : (36-20) 567-4290
E-mail : pyroven(at)

Gábor ZELEI secretary general
Phone: (36-20) 340-4964
E-mail: gabor.zelei(at)

Gabriella Perczel-Fifek Secretariat
Phone: (36-1) 420-4812
E-mail: foundry(at)


Company Info


Öntöde u. 10.
H-1211 Budapest

Telephone: +36 1 420-4812
