Foundry Corporate News Topic Service Provider Topic Plant Technology, Equipment

TCT Tesic proud of 25 successful years and thankful for the continued support of friends and customers.

Special anniversaries call for a whole year of celebration.

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“The congratulations continue to come in day after day, which has made us very happy. Many greetings we received have been sent as videos, which we would like to share with you. Following is a compilation of just some of the greetings we’ve received from around the world.

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This support from all over the globe encourages TCT Tesic to continue to live up to its reputation and expand its activities and services.

The trade in used foundry equipment and its maintenance leads us around the world.

We look forward to convincing and winning over many new customers and partners in the future, and we want to encourage everyone to come and see what we have to offer: <link https: en stock-list external-link-new-window internal link in current>

Company Info

TCT Tesic GmbH

Kalthofer Feld 19
58640 Iserlohn

Telephone: +49 (0) 2371-7726-0
