Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

The Austrian Foundry Days

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The Austrian Foundry Days on the 11th and 12th of April 2013, provided an excellent opportunity for interaction and contact exchange as 290 participants attendend the event from 6 countries. Sixty students and young talent were invited to help bring them closer to the challenges, the opportunities and  attractiveness of the working in a foundry.

The ratio of the participants consisted of a third of foundrymen, a third of suppliers and a third of participants from universities which enabled  valuable discussion of relevant and intensive topics beyond the presenations that were held.  There was also opporunity for discussions at the booths of the 21 exhibitors as well as at the well-attended foundry evening event..

The number of individuals who came to listen to the presenations once again displayed  the capabilty of the event organizers to put together an interesting program which touched upon current essential issues and various findings in development.

Following the meeting was a ground-breaking ceremony held for the expansion of Austrian Foundry Institute.

The next Austrian Foundry Days will be held on  24th and 25th of April next year in Upper Austria.

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