
Thoughts on the 10th anniversary of Global Casting Magazine

Global Casting Magazine appears 4 times a year as an online magazine in English and Chinese published by AFS, CFA and Foundry-Planet for foundries and the entire environment of the metal casting industries around the world.

Reading time: min
Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

The increasing globalization as well as the possibilities of digital media information led to a far-sighted decision ten years ago.

The three partners from China, USA and Europe agreed on the objective right from the start:

The motto is - Casting Competence from three Continents!
That was the common and the unifying idea for a bilingual specialist interest magazine for the global foundry industry.

The Global Casting Magazine, GCM for short, was the logical answer to many influences of an industry that is increasingly networked despite international competition.
A common stage for the suppliers, research institutes, associations and all other industry companions for the foundries of this world with a circulation range that is second to none. GCM has readers from China, USA, Europe, but also from India, ASEAN to South America.

Partnership based on respect, cooperation, synergies, pragmatism and passion

In an industry that was first mentioned 5000 years ago in the Copper Age, 10 years may be the blink of an eye against the backdrop of history. For me today in our present, 10 years of our time are already a route that you have to and can pass together. For a successful run the prerequisites are: Respect, cooperation, synergies, pragmatism and passion!

AFS, CFA and Foundry-Planet put together exactly those virtues and started the information transfer and exchange from the leading foundry nations in a rapidly changing industrial world. The Global Casting Magazine was consequently built up quickly and pragmatically and the cultural diversity was desirable and fruitful, because it strengthened the interaction and was an expression of a global business world and global supply chains and networks.

Without support, however, it would not have been possible to develop the idea continuously.

As one of the founders, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the industry for the great support, the associations and the partners CFA and AFS for the exemplary cooperation.

Ten years ago, after having overcome the financial crisis, we were able to set off for new economic heights. Today, regardless of the pandemic, the challenges are completely different. We are facing epochal changes in society, the world of work and mobility around the world, and we are developing in different political systems. The need for exchange, cooperation, respect and fairness in an economic context is becoming more important than ever with the increasing dependency of a networked economy.

May the Global Casting Magazine continue to serve as a connecting bracket as a trailblazer for the identity and development of the foundry industry and, as a partnership, open doors and overcome boundaries. My personal thanks to everyone involved for 10 years of Global Casting Magazine and best wishes for the future!

See the latest Issue here  Global Casting 2021 Issue 1

Glück Auf and Happy Birthday Global Casting Magazine!

Company Info

Global Casting Magazine

Sebastianstraße 4
87629 Füssen

Telephone: +49 8362 9308544
