This conference is planned as an in-person event only. Note: IMA is pleased to offer a 50% discount for basic conference registration for conference presenters (this includes free admission to the president’s reception and closing reception).
The official language of the conference will be English. All abstracts and final presentations MUST be submitted and presented in English. Attendees will have access to a language translation tool for assistance.
25 November 2024 – Call for Abstracts open
10 January 2025 – Deadline for abstract submissions
24 January 2025 – Selection of presentations complete
10 February 2025 – Notice of acceptance
31 March 2025 – Papers due for review and referral to Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (optional)
14 April 2025 – Draft presentation slides due
21 April 2025 – Final presentation slides due
Presentation Categories
Presentations are being sought on the latest developments in the magnesium industry including new or improved materials, processes, applications, markets, recycling, fundamental research, emerging technologies, and all other topics related to magnesium metal. Presentation slides will be made available to conference attendees. Presenters may submit papers for review and possible publication in the Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. Presentations at the event will be 25-30 minutes each, with 5 minutes allotted for questions and answers.
Suggested topics for papers to present at IMA's World Magnesium Conference include, but are not limited to:
Aerospace applications (cast and wrought)
Automotive applications (powertrain, body, chassis, interior, etc.)
Other transportation applications (railway, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)
Electronic applications (computers, cell phones & consumer products, etc.)
Energy applications (battery, fuel cell, hydrogen storage, etc.)
Aluminum alloying application
Desulfurization and foundry applications
Biomedical applications
Any other new applications
Magnesium extraction processes
New primary magnesium production projects
Supply, demand and market development
Health & safety
Environmental regulations
Recycling technologies
Life cycle assessment
Standards and property databases
All casting processes including semi-solid and continuous casting
All wrought processes including sheet, extrusions and forging
Machining and assembly processes
Corrosion and coating solutions
Joining and galvanic protection solutions
Additive manufacturing and other emerging processes
Cast and wrought alloy development
Magnesium-based metal matrix composites
Modeling and simulation technologies
Emerging technologies and large R&D programs
If your abstract is selected, you will be notified of the decision by 10 February 2025. You will be invited to submit a presentation based on the approved abstract. Acceptance of your abstract does not guarantee acceptance of your presentation. Specific guidelines for preparation of your presentation will be provided at the time of abstract acceptance, along with audio/visual guidelines for your presentation.
Criteria for Presentation Selection
The IMA Program Committee will invite presentations, based on abstracts received, using the following criteria:
Appropriate use of case histories, user experiences, and actual industry applications
Focus -
Completeness of abstract
Noncommercial tone and content
Timely submission of application and abstract
How to Submit Your Abstract
Abstracts must be submitted in electronic format using the online submission link below. Please submit your 150-word abstract on or before 10 January 2025. The abstract must include sufficient detail to permit a thorough review and evaluation of the presentation’s proposed content and significance. If you are submitting multiple abstracts, please complete a separate form for each submission.
The official language of the conference will be English. All abstracts and final presentations MUST be submitted and presented in English. Attendees will have access to a language translation tool for assistance.