
What a Shame - Brexit destroys English Automobile Tradition

Reading time: min
Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

As news stations such as N-TV report, the English car production continues to decline. 20% fewer vehicles were produced in England in the first half of 2019, which is just 666,000. Now, facing the Brexit, the industry is up against a real political challenge and tension is growing.

Already since the decision for the Brexit in 2016, few investments have been made. The three big Japanese manufacturers, Honda, Nisan and Toyota, want to say goodbye to the UK within the next two years.

What about stars in the British automobile industry?

Mini, which belongs to BMW, plans to relocate production to South Africa, and Land Rover, once a figurehead, now owned by Indian Tata, reportedly plans to reduce its workforce by more than 9,000 to half its current size. Jaguar has massively invested in EU / Slovenia, and Opel / PSA also plans to relocate Vauxhall to South Africa.

Of course, the glorious English car industry does not deserve this - not any more than the many big suppliers who need to reorient themselves. But the damage the Brexit has already done is irreparable.

Should it come to a hard Brexit in October 2019, a tradition is probably lost for all time. I guess I must consider myself lucky to have seen and experienced the finest English vehicles while they were just that.

