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55. International Foundry Conference 2015 in Portoroz/Slovenia

When Slovenian Foundrmen´s President Mirjam Jan-Blazic sends invites to come to Portoroz right on the Mediterranean Sea, there is always a rush to join this convenient place. This year`s event was the 55. International Foundry Conference followed by an estimated 250 participants from Slovenia and 15 other countries.

We have met many foundrymen and suppliers as well as leading representatives from the field of foundry, such as Max Schumacher (BDG, Germany), Prof. Peter Schumacher (ÖGI, Austria),Prof. Rüdiger Bähr (Universität Magdeburg), Dr. Adel Nofal (Egypt), Prof. Primoz Mrvar (Ljubljani) and Prof. Alojz Krizman (Maribor), Prof.Reinhard Döpp (Clausthal) and Andrew Turner (WFO).

It is the mixture of ambitious lectures, networking and exchange of information from diverse levels, as universities meet engineers, engineers meet suppliers and vice versa. This is what makes Portoroz so alive as well as the opportunity to get in contact with colleagues from South-East Europe.

While the content is always state of the art, there is one traditional item of the agenda. To be put out to sea on a boat along the Slovenian coast together with colleagues, customers and friends. This is a must!

European Foundrymen would only have to take part at least once and then they will come back again.

Appreciating the Slovenian hospitality and organization, we are looking forward to the 56. International Foundry Conference in Portoroz, taking place from 14. to 16. September 2016

<link media-world galleries gallery-archive _top external-link-new-window external link in new>  Portoroz 2015 Gallery


List of lectures: If you are interested in viewing a list of lectures, please get in contact with Foundry-Planet Ltd, Alexander Mayerhofer at: <link>

President, Društvo livarjev Slovenije
The Opening Address

M. SCHUMACHER, Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie, Düsseldorf (D): Status and challenges of German and European Foundries

R. BÄHR, S. SCHARF, M. LIEPE, E. RIEDEL, Otto – von – Guericke – University Magdeburg, Institute of Manufacturing Technology and Quality  Management (D): Primary Shaping – The Additive Manufacturing Process

A. KRIŽMAN (1) , M. DEBELAK (2) , M. JAN-BLAŽIČ (3), P. MRVAR (4), 1Univerza v Mariboru,2Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije,3Društvo livarjev Slovenije, 4Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška  fakulteta (SLO): Slovenian Foundry in the Year 2014 and   its integration into the development strategy of the metallurgy in Slovenia 2015-2025

P. SCHUMACHER (1,2), K. TUCAN (2), P. HOFER (2), 1Chair of Casting Research, University of Leoben, Leoben, 2Austrian Foundry Research Institute, Leoben, (A): Aspects of modern production methods of integrated high pressure die castings

M. TOPIĆ (1), K. TSCHIGGERL (1), M. RAUTER (2), K. DOSCHEK (2), H. BIEDERMANN (1), H. RAUPENSTRAUCH (2), 1Chair of Economic and Business Management, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, 2Chair of Thermal Processing

I. RIPOSAN (1), V. UTA (1), I.C. STEFAN (1), M.C. FIRICAN (1), S. STAN (1), R.L. NARO (2), D.C. WILLIAMS (2), 1Politehnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest (RO), 2Asi International, Ltd, Cleveland, Ohio (USA): Cast Iron Inoculation Enhancing – Solution for Critical Production Conditions

K. WEISS, RWP GmbH, Roetgen (D): Calculation of Micro Matrix for Aluminium Silicon Alloys

B. KALKUNTE (1), V.KOLDA (2), 1Calcom ESI SA (CH), 2Mecas ESI (CZ): Casting simulation applied successfully to die castings in industries

R. SQUATRITO, I. TODARO, L. TOMESANI, Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Meccanica Avanzata e Materiali (I): How research can support European foundries to increase their competitiveness: some examples of success from the Italian Motor Valley

P. MRVAR (1) , M. PETRIČ (1) , J. MEDVED (1), M. KOMPREJ (1), A. KRIŽMAN (2) 1Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta ,2Univerza v Mariboru (SLO): Production of reference samples

A. NOFAL (1), M. AHMED (1), L. REIZIG (2), A.-H. HUSSEIN (3), 1Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI), Cairo, 2Fraunhofer Institute-IWT, Freiburg (D), Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (EG): Machinability of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) as related to Microstructure and Strain Hardening Behaviour

R. DOEPP, Technical University Clausthal (D): Contribution to ductility of cast Fe-C-SI-X-materials

B. BAUER (1), I. MIHALIC -POKOPEC (1), P. MRVAR (2) , 1 Fakulteta za strojništvo in brodogradnjo, Univerza v Zagrebu (CRO),2 Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta (SLO) : Influence of cooling rate and addition of Ce and Bi on graphite morphology in spheroidal graphite iron

M. ACARER (1), M.ÖZDEMIR (1), H. AHLATCI  (2), Y.TÜREN (2), Y.SUN (2), 1Selcuk University, Metallurgy-Materials Engineering Department, Konya, 2Karabuk University, Metallurgy-Materials Engineering Department, Karabuk (TR): Characterization of Co Base Superalloy Produced by Investment Casting

P. WEISS, P. BANSZERUS, C. CREMER, A. BÜHRIG-POLACZEK, Gießerei-Institut der RWTH Aachen (D):  Copper and Aluminium in High Silicon Ductile Iron

D. SOJER (1), M. BRUNČKO (2,1), Ž. ERMAN (1), I. ANŽEL (2), 1Magneti Ljubljana d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Maribor,Slovenia (SLO): Centrifugal atomization of Nd-Fe-B flakes used for production of permanent magnets

Č. MIKYŠKA, Livar d.d., Ivančna Gorica (SLO): Effect of different covers for “sandwich” method 

U. KLANČNIK (1), J. HABJAN (1), M. DROBNE (1), P. MRVAR (2), J. MEDVED  (2), 1Valji, d.o.o., Slovenija, 2Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Slovenija (SLO): Characterization of a modified indefinite chill cast iron working layer in rolls

J. KUNIČ (1), M. FLETER (2), 1FerroČrtalič d.o.o. (SLO), 2Ervin Amasteel (UK): The use of abrasives in foundry industry

D. ŽIVKOVIĆ (1), D. MANASIJEVIĆ (1), D. MINIĆ (2), N.TALIJAN (3), V. ĆOSOVIĆ (3), A. KOSTOV (5), 1University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 2Univeristy of Priština, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Kosovska Mitrovica, 3University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry,Technology and Metallurgy, 4Institute for Mining and Metallurgy, Bor (SRB): Survey on some potential ecological metallic materials with application in electronics

D. MUJAGIĆ (1), D. PIHURA (2), D. NOVIĆ (3), 1University Zenica, Metallurgical institute “K. Kapetanović”, Zenica, 2Ljevari BIH”, Zenica, 3Energoinvest, Sarajevo (BIH): Bringing pilot plant knowledge to foundry platform

J. MEDVED (1), S. KORES (1),P. MRVAR (1), M. VONČINA (1), A. KRIŽMAN (2) 1Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, 2Univerza v Mariboru (SLO): Influence of Zr addition on Al alloys properties

J. MEDVED (1), S. KORES (1),P. MRVAR (1), M. VONČINA (1), A. KRIŽMAN (2)  1Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta,2Univerza v Mariboru (SLO): Influence of Zr addition on Al alloys properties

T. MUHIČ, A. MEGUSAR, LTH Castings d.o.o., Ljubljana, Škofja Loka (SLO): Tightness testing of liquid cooler housings for electronics with helium in air atmosphere

W.K. KRAJEWSKI (1), J. BURAŚ (1), G. PIWOWARSKI (1), P.K. KRAJEWSKI (1), A.L. GREER (2), K. FAERBER (3), P. SCHUMACHER (3), 1AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Krakow, (PL), 2University of  Cambridge, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, (UK), 3University of Leoben, Department of Metallurgy, Leoben (A): Processing of molten aluminium-zinc based cast alloys

B. MARKOLI, B. LESKOVAR, I. NAGLIČ , Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovotehniška fakulteta (SLO): Development of high-strength quasicrystalline Al-based alloys via casting into permanent mould

F. ZUPANIČ (1), T. BONČINA (1), C. GSPAN (2), 1 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (SLO), 2 Institut für Elektronenmikroskopie und Nanoanalytik, Graz (A): Precipitates in an aluminium quasicrystalline alloy

Z. ZOVKO BRODARAC (1), J. KALINIĆ (2), V. ŠUICA (1), 1University of Zagreb, Faculty  of Metallurgy, Sisak (CRO), 2Jajce Alloy Wheels Ltd, Jajce (BIH): Solidification sequence of AlSi11 alloy

R. RUDOLF (1,2), 1University of  Maribor,Faculty of mechanical Engineering,2Zlatarna Celje (SLO): Gold nanoparticles –Properties, Synthesis and Application

N. M. TALIJAN (1), V. R. ĆOSOVIĆ (1), A. R. ĆOSOVIĆ (2) , D. T. ŽIVKOVIĆ (3), 1University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, 2Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials, 3 University of Belgrade Technical Faculty in Bor (SRB): Innovative approach on improvement of metal oxide dispersion and structure dependent properties of Cd free silver/metal oxide electrical contact materials

M. PETRIČ (1), J. MEDVED (1), S. KASTELIC (2), A. KRIŽMAN (3) ,P. MRVAR1, 1Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, 2TC Livarstvo Ljubljana, 3Univerza v Mariboru (SLO): Measurement of dimensional changes of AlSi alloys during solidification

J. PRISTAVEC (1), H. ROCKMANN (2), 1EXOTERM-IT d.o.o., Kranj (SLO),  2MAGMA GmbH, Aachen (D): Finding causes of crack occurrence at automotive wheels with the use of numerical simulation of the complete production cycle

U. GAUERMANN, Electronic GmbH, Neuhausen (D): Cost reduction by using process data systems

S. MULLER, H. PRIES, K. DILGER, Braunschweig University of Technology, Braunschweig (D): Prediction of thermal fatigue life for aluminium die casting moulds by experimental and computational method.


Slovenian Foundrymen`s Society

Lepi pot 6, p.p. 424
1001 Ljubljana

Telefon: +386 1 252 24 88
