
Call for Lecture Registration - IFC Portoroz 2020

The 60th IFC Portoroz 2020 with an accompanying foundry exhibition will take place from 16-18 September 2020 under the motto "Tradition and Future".

Lesedauer: min

The organizers of the 60th IFC Portoroz 2020  are interested in Technical and Scientific lectures. 

Lectures will be divided in 4 sections: 

  • Plenary lectures
  • Cast iron and casting technology
  • Non-ferrous alloys
  • Student lectures  

Registration of participation and title with an abstract of lecture and information on the author and co-authors is expected by April 30th 2020
and delivery of full lectures by June 30th 2020.

More information about registration and lectures for the event can be found at:



Slovenian Foundrymen`s Society

Lepi pot 6, p.p. 424
1001 Ljubljana

Telefon: +386 1 252 24 88
