Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

Indometal 2014 - proven platform for Indonesia’s metal and steel industries attracts good quality visitors

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  • Global participation reflects indometal’s pivotal position in bringing the best expertise into Indonesia

18 Dec 2014 – indometal 2014 brought together 296 prominent companies from 26 countries including 5 national pavilions and groups. Held over three days from 11 to 13 December at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, indometal was well-received by the industry together with the synergistic concurrent seminars, reflecting its strategic position as the country’s only dedicated exhibition for the metal and steel industries.

According to Mr Harjanto, Director General for Manufacturing Based Industry, Ministry of Industry, indometal 2014 exceeded expectations as an event that “promotes the metal sector and builds business relationships between existing industries and potential investors.” He added” “indometal encourages the growth of the metal industry through increased investment promotion and dissemination of domestic metal industry information”. Mr Gernot Ringling, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf Asia, said: “We are proud that this second edition of indometal has garnered strong participation from more international companies looking towards larger and more sustainable investments in Indonesia. As an organizer, we have been focused in providing optimal opportunities for our exhibitors to seek profitable corporate ventures for them to grow further and contribute deeper into the Indonesian market and thus are happy that many have secured numerous partnership deals, sold machines and expanded their client pool at the exhibion.”

Indonesia’s high market potential highlighted at indometal

Mrs Rini Sumardi, Director of WAKENI said: “With the new government’s plans under President Joko Widodo’s NAWA CITA 9 priority agenda to achieve economic independence by moving strategic sectors of the domestic economy, the metal industry is one of the key sectors targeted for further development. As such, indometal is a timely avenue for Indonesian companies to strengthen their capabilities with advanced technologies, establish partnerships with global experts and push ahead to grab market share of various infrastructure projects mapped out under the development programmes.”

Mr Winfried Resch from VDMA – The German Engineering Federation reiterated that Indonesia’s metal industry will see vast progress with high technology injections. “Through indometal, VDMA will support German companies seeking to share their expertise and technologies with local companies here,” he said. For the Chinese companies, Mr Tian Yonghong, Director, Mettalurgical Council of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade said that, “they bring a wide range of metal and steel products for different level of needs and are happy to be at this exhibition as the Indonesian market provides big opportunities for China.” International Trade said that, “they bring a wide range of metal and steel products for different level of needs and are happy to be at this exhibition as the Indonesian market provides big opportunities for China.”

Dr Kurt G. Eder, President of EDER Engineering and President of the Austrian Wire and Cable Machinery Manufacturers Association who spearheaded several Austrian companies in presenting the seminar on Technology Update on Processing Cable and Machinery shared that with the new initiatives to improve infrastructure, “we were extremely eager to come to this exhibition and be part of Indonesia’s modernization and bring the highest level of latest technology”. For Mr Fabrizio Carmagnini, Director of The Italian Associations of Foundry Suppliers, “indometal is a gateway for many Italian companies who have come to Indonesia for the first time and we are optimistic that many more opportunities await us in the near future.” Mr Achmad Safiun, President of the Indonesian Foundry Industries Association (APLINDO) also highlighted that, “with the new technologies available at indometal, Indonesian companies should capitalize on expanding local production, be price-competitive and focus on localizing to strengthen the Indonesian metal sectors.”

Quality v isitors draw deepened confidence on Indonesia’s v ast opportunities for new exhibitors

indometal 2014 attracted 6,484 trade visitors from around the region from various industry sectors and over 250 participants at the two concurrent seminars.

According to Mr Jan Meier-Kortwig, Executive Vice President of Kuettner GmbH & Co Kg, “There are many opportunities in Indonesia and there is a need for companies such as ourselves to be present here. It is our first time exhibiting at this show. Overall, we are satisfied with our participation and with the quality of the visitors that visited our booth.” Mr Wahid Ahmadi – Foundry Technical Sales Manager of PT Clariant Adsorbents Indonesia, “We have just started to develop our market in Indonesia and this is a good opportunity for us because so many buyers are enthusiastic about our products. Moving forward in 2015, we believe that Indonesia will be a huge potential market especially in the automotive industry and infrastructure development. We will join again at the next indometal.”

Internationality of exhibition with i m pressiv e product displays m eet visitors’ sourcing needs

Spanning 8,300 sqm across three halls, exhibiting companies showcased their best expertise covering the full material processing, product manufacturing and tools applications spectrum ranging from foundry, casting, metallurgy and thermo process technology as well as high-performing precision and tooling solutions. Mr Fan Hai, Chairman of The Selangor & Kuala Lumpur Foundry & Engineering Industries Association (SFEIA) who led a team of 30 industry professionals shared that “Our delegation members have found their visit to be most beneficial.” Mr Sumarsono, Director of Aulia Yasha Utama said: “This event is good and it helps me to meet international companies as I was looking for a special kind of steel and had found it here.” Returning to indometal again, Mr Imam Asrofi, Production Manager of Asian Profile Indosteel said “this indometal is better and good, it is also more specific than the last edition. I want to see new technology for machinery and managed to receive a lot of information from so many interna ional companies here where quality of products is guaranteed.”

To p industry players retur ned with bigger inv estment targets and influence t o hone m arket further

Mr Dirk Boergmann, Commercial Sales General Manager of SMS Siemag who delivered his presentation on Latest Development in Ferrous and Non Ferrous Prosessing Technologies at the seminar on ‘Smelter as Driver of Metal Industry Development’, said: “Indonesia is an interesting market and given that there is a lot of demand and high consumption, import activities should be replaced for local investments, [as such] SMS Group is here to help across the whole process chain. He also added that their participation at indometal had been very interesting as they were able to make contact with a lot of customers and “it was a nice and convenient opportunity to meet them all at one place.” With abundant opportunities opened to foreign investors through indometal, Mr Iben Rifa, President Director of Haltraco said: “This is a good opportunity for newcomers to set up new foundry and work hand-in-hand with local companies to increase supply in the domestic market.”

Strategic partnerships forged and strengthened at indometal

DISA Wheelabrator held a contact signing ceremony with another exhibitor, Bakrie Tosanjaya to expand their partnership in building a complete foundry lines to supply automotive parts for the automotive industry. Mr Thomas Bloch of DISA Industries A/S, General Sales & Product Manager said, “we are pleased to be at indometal for the second time. With the increasing demand in Indonesia, DISA will provide state of the art technology, assisting and helping the industry to become market leaders within the automotive sector.” For Mr Albert Sembiring, Managing Director of Jakarta Semikon and Mr Denis Callegaro, Proposal Manager of OM Siderurgica, indometal has provided them with “a lot of positive feedback from potential customers and a chance to increase business,” putting them in a good position to go into new fields such as power plants and construction and reaching new targets for their collaboration.

Robust sales activities and positive response to new product introductions benchmarked fruitful participation

Mr Eric Chen, Sales Manager of Rich Sou Technology Co.,Ltd shared that “indometal is great exhibition because the platform is very focused on the metal and steel industry. We are happy to join and had already sold our products on the first day of the exhibition. Indonesia is a very good market for us to expand into and we will join again at the next indometal.” Commenting on the visitors’ keen interest on their new handheld metals analyser for the scrap metal industry, Mr Eric Lee, Territory Sales Manager of Oxford Instruments said that, “indometal has helped us a lot as the traffic has been very good and we are really happy with the show and look forward to returning again in 2016”.

Satisfied exhibitors eye larger interest on key growth sectors and stamp certainty in returning at indometal’s next edition

Mr Irham Yamami, Director of Mitra Prima Agung said that “we are satisfied with the result. Indonesia is a very interesting market for foreign investors especially in the metal industry as infrastructure and the automotive industry is growing. We will join again on next indometal.” Expressing his optimism on the Indonesian market, Mr Alexander Zeischka, Sales and Project Manager of Braun Maschinenfabrik said that “As Indonesia is a mass growing market, we want to meet more customers who wish to enter the grinding and milling market with our expertise and hope for this possibility again at the next indometal.”

indometal will return in autumn 2016 at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran.

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