
JV KamLit Kazakhstan orders fettling technology from Lianco

We were informed that the new JV Kamlit in Kazakhstan has selected Lianco technology.

Pressemitteilung | Lesedauer: min

The cast iron foundry, with a capacity of up to 45 thousand tons of castings per year, is designed to produce cylinder blocks, cylinder block heads and cast axle housing carriers for trucks.  The first "melt" is scheduled for December 2023.

The plant is expected to create over 300 jobs. Production of axle boxes for trucks with a capacity of 74 thousand units per year is scheduled to start in 2024. It is expected that over 360 jobs will be created at this plant.

The products to be manufactured in the plants are intended for use in production lines of large commercial and agricultural vehicle manufacturers of the Eurasian Economic Community, the European Union and the People's Republic of China.

The work to complete the foundry is progressing well, said Linaco's Nicola Antonucci, who recently visited KamLit in Kostany Kazakhstan.

We will keep you informed about the progress of the installations and wish the responsible persons in Kazakhstan good luck with their work.


Lianco Technologies Ltd.

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United Kingdom

