Foundry Corporate News Topic Discharging, Decoring, Fettling, Finishing


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Maus s.r.l. has established a joint venture company with Palmer Manufacturing & Supply Inc., to consolidate and expand Maus brand and sales network in North America.
Palmer Manufacturing & Supply, Inc., is a USA producer of no-bake foundry equipment with a well-recognized  presence  in the foundry industry.

The parties have agreed to enter in a joint venture agreement with the intention of establishing a cooperation under USA law which is 70% owned by Maus and 30% owned by Palmer.
The joint venture will be named “Palmer Maus North America Corp.” and will manufacture, launch and operate both Maus products line: Automatic Grinding and Vertical Turning.
The Joint venture will begin operations starting April 1, 2015. The grand opening of the new plant in Sprigfield (OH) will be celebrated on April 21-23, during the AFS Show.

Roberto Sammartin, Managing Director and part of board of directors of Maus, commented:
“North America  is a key market for Maus where we have focused and have invested successfully along the years. The 60 equipments installed at key accounts are the evidence. This joint venture will allow Maus to pursue its strategy by having a local presence  in all its strategic markets and to focus further on the development of its sales and service presence in the region.  Our primary target is to support our clients with a top quality service and a spare parts management 24/7.
This agreement reflects our strong belief that our brand has significant growth potential in North America”.

Jack Palmer, President of Palmer said, “Palmer is pleased and honored to be selected by MAUS for this joint venture. We will bring the know-how on both  supply-chain and  market and a comprehensive sales network.”
About Maus
Maus is an Italian company founded in 1986 with headquarters in Campodarsego, Italy. Over the years the company has established itself as a leading-edge technology supplier  in both automatic grinding and vertical turning for various fields of application: foundry, automotive, off-highway, railway, aerospace, energy and power transmission. 

About Palmer
Palmer Manufacturing & Supply, Inc. specializes in the production of heavy-duty No-Bake foundry equipment including sand mixers, molding systems, core room equipment, sand reclamation, mold handlers, and complete foundry systems and engineering services.
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