
The 2nd BRICS International Foundry Forum

was held with participants from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in Beijing.


Lesedauer: min

BRICS-Countries cover more than 60% of the world castings production. Due to this powerful position each country presented its own facts and figures, changing development, future opportunities and forecasts. Obviously there are highly motivated interests for future investments in all countries.

The next BRICS International Foundry Forum will take place in 2013 in South Africa.
We are curious whether the participants will also address common issues of raw materials, specification and financing, as well as the topic of education and the promotion of young talents.
One matter remaines completely open: The question is the competition among the BRICS States.

We want to follow the reviews of the BRICS Countries on and start with the contribution of Brazil, presented by Devanir Brichesi (President of ABIFA) and Roberto Deus:

>> <link file:7563 _blank download file>Initiates file downloadBRICS Presentation.pdf <<


  • Brazil Foundry Market
  • Development and Trend of China`s Machinery Outfit
  • Energy Efficient Melt Shop Operation by ABP
  • South African Foundry Market
  • Status of Indian Foundry Industry
  • Integrated Solution Concerning Foundry Industry
  • Transformation of China`s Foundry Industry
  • Brazil`s Technical Paper
  • Practical Applications of Improving Energy Efficiency in Foundries
  • Energy Saving Practice from Shanghai Foundry Industry
John T. Davies, South Africa
Dr. Sundara Murthy, India Devanir Brichesi, Brazil Mr. Pen Fang (m) President Kocel Group Co.Ltd.

