
Zanardi Fonderie – A Diary of Shut down to Restart

The italian pandemic situation and the impact at the renowned Zanardi Fonderie (Phase 1 and Phase 2) by Michele Arzenton (Zanardi, Minerbe, VR)

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On February 22nd - it was a Saturday - Zanardi Foundry had the first confirmed news and began to realize what was happening. Between February 24th and March 12th, production kept working regularly, but business trips, meeting with visitors, and trainings were immediatedly cancelled, and restrictions and new rules in the offices were put into effect. March 13th until March 20th, in accordance with the Unions, the foundry was closed using layoffs, though work in fettling, machining, and heat treatment departments continued. Deliveries were regularly carried out.

March 23rd until April 27th, every production and logistic activity was stopped, according to Government Decree “Chiudi Italia” of 22/03/2020. 

Since the beginning of the emergency, a broadcast SMS communication tool was activated to share urgent information with Zanardi employees 24/7, and smart working mangement was promptly for employees. Around 60 employees were enabled to work from home, to be able to give any time continuity to Zanardi's business relationships, and to be 100% ready for when production may be restarted and make deliveries to customers. 

On May 4th 2020, according to the latest decree by the Italian Prime Minister, Zanardi Fonderie has restarted its production activities and implemented the regulations laid down by a strict health and hygiene protocol drafted in cooperation with all the representatives of workers and employers and trade unions. 

To allow all workers to return to normality whilst respecting the necessary rules to protect their own health and that of their colleagues, Zanardi Fonderie adopted key measures by the Health and Safety Committee (HSC). They are sanitisation of all the company’s premises, smart working,  body temperature checked with a thermal camera and scanner at all entrances, mandatory distance, and supply masks for employees and visitors.

Have a look at this link to know more about all the important safety measures we have implemented:

Over thirty work-related instructions and procedures have been drafted to clarify and remind all workers of the importance and obligation to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. These have been represented in graphic form and displayed in all the company production departments, offices and communal entrance and exit areas.

C19 impact in the upcoming months
At Zanardi Fonderie, reactiveness and adaptability will be the key words to be successful in the “post-Covid” era. Since the beginning of the emergency, Zanardi has been training to be ready to restart at its best, possibly even better than before.

Like in any big changes, there will be products suffering a big crisis in demand, and others selling more than before. Therefore, the absence of a clear perspective doesn’t mean necessarily pessimism, there will be new opportunities in the world coming after.
