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ASK Chemicals invests in new manufacturing facility in India

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With a celebratory groundbreaking ceremony, ASK Chemicals laid the foundation for the construction of a new plant in Kurkumbh (near Pune), India. The company is thus opening a further chapter of its Indian-German cooperation. The first step is to build a 12,000 sq m manufacturing and storage facility on an area of 80,000 sq m, where binders, coatings, auxiliary materials and risers will be produced for the Indian foundry industry. The new main plant of ASK Chemicals will enable vital new jobs to be created in Kurkumbh. The completion of the production site is planned for 2014.

With this commitment, ASK Chemicals, the world’s leading supplier of foundry chemicals, is creating the basis for continuing the successful expansion of its business activities on a key target market in Asia.

On the company’s strategic planning, Stefan Sommer, CEO of ASK Chemicals, says: “Our intention is to grow faster than the total Indian market.” India’s economic power plays a fundamental role for the investment by ASK Chemicals. “We are firmly convinced that the Indian foundry industry will profit from our many years of experience and our profound expertise in this important key industry,” says Mr. Sommer on the occasion of the ceremony, looking ahead.

Dr. Jochen Landes, Managing Director of ASK Chemicals India, sees great opportunities for development for the company in India. “I am delighted that our company chose Kurkumbh for this investment and can hardly wait to see the new facility grow.”

As a member of the global network, ASK Chemicals India has access to the entire foundry expertise of the Germany-based global player and is thus able to provide customers in the whole of India with its innovative products and services.

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