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Foundry of the Week - Odlewnia Żeliwa Śrem (Śrem Iron Foundry)

PGO companies set on the path to innovation

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Odlewnia Żeliwa Śrem S.A., a PGO Group foundry, is a producer of grey, nodular, and alloy cast iron castings for the agricultural machines, automotive, shipbuilding, mining, machine-building and many other industries. Full service is provided to customers by two automatic moulding lines with horizontal mould partition, one semi-automatic moulding line, two hand moulding lines, and the machining department. A new Savelli F1 Formimpress moulding line and a sand processing plant, also produced by the Italian company Savelli, were recently installed.  

The Śrem Iron Foundry has recently begun implementing a new project: “Innovative DTA Technology for Producing High-Quality, Self-Powering Cast Iron for New-Generation Castings with Enhanced Quality Parameters.” This project, combined with those of other PGO Group foundries, will require an investment of 20 million euro, and allow the group to improve its competitive position through continuous improvement and the implementation of innovative technologies.

These projects support the PGO Strategy for 2017–2020, with both foundries, Pioma-Odlewnia (Pioma Foundry) and Odlewnia Żeliwa Śrem, introducing technologies which will allow them to produce castings with enhanced parameters, complying with strict heat treatment norms, all while being much lighter than before. Thanks to the cooperation with the National Center for Research and Development, the companies may soon be considered some of the most modern foundries in Europe, utilizing state-of-the-art production technologies.

Flexibility, Quality, Synergy
“We try to be flexible in responding to market changes and technological expectations, and base our decisions on in-depth research. In an industry like ours, it is extremely important to provide consistent and reliable quality, ensure greater durability of our products, as well as to create a positive working environment while not leaving a negative mark on the natural environment. Our projects also help us to exploit the synergy effect between our group’s companies in a more effective way,” says President of the Management Board of PGO S.A., Łukasz Petrus.

“The PGO Strategy, adopted in 2017, focuses on technological development and the innovative nature of our output. As PGO implements its projects, it enters into new and unknown territories. The globalisation of markets, the drive to increase the efficiency of production processes and the effectiveness of the equipment, accompanied by stricter environmental requirements, forces technological development. That is why it is so important for PGO to have its own systemically perfected scientific and technological expertise.
It is worth noting that all the projects we implement within the Group, be it in Śrem or in Piotrków Trybunalski, are planned in such a way that they complement each other and strengthen the whole PGO Group,” adds Lucjan Augustyn, Vice-President of the Management Board of PGO S.A. and Vice-President of Odlewnia Żeliwa Śrem.

Company Info

PGO Group - Odlewnia Żeliwa Śrem S.A.

ul. Staszica 1
63-100 Śrem, Poland

Telephone: +48 61 28 13 700
