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KRÄMER+GREBE produces the best trainee in Germany

Since the company was founded, attracting the next generation of skilled workers through comprehensive training has been key for the manufacturer of moulds and tools, Krämer+Grebe in Wallau, Germany. For many decades now, the high training rate has been the company’s tradition and guarantee for success.

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It has been repeatedly proven that Krämer+Grebe isn’t just one of the best in the Lahn-Dill Chamber of Industry and Commerce district, it is also one of the best in Germany.  Four of its trainees achieved top marks in the winter 2017/2018 final examinations and were awarded for their excellent results by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. 

Tobias Beimborn topped the year’s fantastic results: he was given an award from the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) for being Germany’s best technical model maker apprentice specialising in foundry. The 21-year-old is one of Germany’s 200 top apprentices to have passed their final examinations with a minimum ‘very good’ grade. The top trainees and training organisations were once again honoured as part of an awards ceremony hosted by the DIHK in Berlin in December 2018. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German Federal President, was the keynote speaker. Krämer+Grebe received this award once again. The company now has three state winners and several national winners in this profession.

The company trains on average 15 men and women to become technical model makers with subject area in foundry, technical product designers specialising in product design and construction, and tool makers in the field of moulding. A distinctive feature is, among other things, the company’s own training workshop, which offers all the advantages of a practical apprenticeship. The training programme is supplemented by various dual Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses, including Bachelor of Engineering specialising in moulding in conjunction with the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen. 

In the three and a half years of their apprenticeship, the trainees go through the entire value chain – from construction to maintenance. 

And that’s not all that makes training in this company attractive to young people; the high retention rate is a big draw as well. For vocational training is a method that is intensively used to attract qualified young talent. Of course, these four top graduates have also been given permanent employment Krämer+Grebe as junior skilled workers.

In addition to further internal and external training, they will also be offered development opportunities and career prospects. The innovative training concept, which continues the professional qualification of young employees using various training activities, contributes significantly to this.

Company Info


Ludwig-Grebe-Straße 5
35216 Biedenkopf-Wallau

Telephone: +49 6461-80080
