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RWTH Awards 2016 Otto Junker Prizes

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RWTH graduates Daniel Szepanski, Pawel Bittner, Charlie Paul Susai Sakkana Reddy, and Stephan Prünte were awarded the 2016 Otto Junker Award for their oustanding academic performance. Dr. Ambros Schindler, chair of the Otto Junker Foundation, and RWTH Rector Ernst Schmachtenberg handed out the awards. Professor Wolfgang Bleck, chair of the foundation's advisory committee, and Werner Stegemann, board member of the Junker Foundation, congratulated the award winners.

Daniel Szepanski studied Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering at RWTH Aachen. In 2015, he received the STAWAg Award for his outstanding Master’s examination; in 2016, he was presented with the DRIVE-E Award from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. The graduate won the first prize for his Master’s thesis on the integration of power electronics into the electric motor.

Pawel Bittner, born in Wroclaw in 1991, studied Materials Engineering at RWTH Aachen. As a student assistant, he was able to gain practical experience at the Metal Forming Institute IBF and the Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering. In 2015, the 25-year-old additionally enrolled in a degree program in Mathematics.

Charlie Paul Susai Sakkana Reddy, born in 1987 in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, studied Electrical Power Engineering at RWTH Aachen. In 2015, he received the Springorum Medal for completing his Master’s degree with distinction; furthermore, he was awarded with the Siemens Prize. Today, he works as a consultant with Siemens AG.

Stephan Prünte from Neuss studied Materials Science at RWTH Aachen. During his studies, among several other extracurricular activities, he completed a research internship at the Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology at the University of Oslo. In September 2015, he started his doctoral studies; his doctoral project is concerned with lubricant-free forming processes through tool coatings and surface functionalities.

Otto Junker Award

The Otto Junker Award is conferred to students in the Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering – Division of Materials Science and Engineering – and in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

The Otto Junker Foundation was founded in Lammersdorf in 1970 by Dr.-Ing. h.c. Otto Junker. As a graduate of RWTH Aachen, he felt closely related to the university and valued scientific exchange. The central purpose of the foundation is to support talented researchers and numerous individual projects.

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